Chapter 4

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"Sit", Regina commanded as she walked Emma into the bedroom and saw the cocoa spilled on the mattress. Emma did as told and sat down onto the chair her psychologist was pointing at.

Regina rushed to the bed and started stripping it off.

"Shit! I'm sorry!", Emma exclaimed as she saw what Regina was doing. "Let me help you", she jumped up and rushed to the woman.

"You don't need to. I can do it on my own" Regina tried.

"But I want to" Emma said and started helping.

Soon they were both staring at a big brown stain in the mattress.

"So... What are we supposed to do now?" Emma asked uncertainly.

"Umm... Go into the bathroom and wet a cloth. But use cold water. I'll ask Mary Margaret if she has some cleaning products"

Emma did as told and Reinga went downstairs.

Thirty minutes later, the mattress was as clean as possible and drenched in cleaning products.

Everyone was sitting downstairs at the table, eating chicken soup.

"I'm sorry for ruining your mattress" Emma then said, apologizing to Mary Margaret and David too.

"No problem. We planned on buying a new one anyways", David said, smiling at Emma.

"I just think you won't be able to sleep in your bed today", Mary Margaret estimated.

"I can sleep on the couch", Emma immediately offered.

"I'd really like to offer you our bed but the couch is definitely too small for two people", the woman said, feeling guilty.

"You can sleep at my place if you want to", Regina interfered.

Emma looked at her. Disbeliever in her eyes. "Really?"

Regina nodded. "Of course. You are always welcome to. I mean, if this is okay with you two"

The two adults looked at each other and smiled. "Of course. Thank you Regina"

And immediately, Emma forgot all her worries. A big smile formed on her lips and she hurried to empty her plate.

"Can I go get my things?" Emma then asked.

Mary Margaret nodded and Emma got up and ran upstairs.

The girl threw everything into a bag and sprinted downstairs again.

"I'm ready", she smiled and expectantly looked at Regina.

"I haven't even finished eating my soup, sweetie", Regina chuckled. Emma's smile faded and she sat down next to the woman. "Fine" she just said and waited for Regina to finally be done.

An hour later, Regina finally stood up.

"Okay, it's getting late. We should be going now", the brunette said, smiling at the girl.

"Okay, bye David and Mary Margaret", Emma said while putting her shoes on.

Ten minutes later they arrived at Regina mansion. Emma had never been here so her eyes grew wide as she saw her psychologists house.

"There is no way you are living here!", Emma stated as the car came to a halt.

"I am" Regina just smiled and got out of the car. She went to the entrance and waited for Emma to follow her.

"Wow, that's just unbelievable!" Emma exclaimed as she arrived at the door.

"Just wait till you come in" Regina smirked and went inside.

"Holy shit", Emma gawked as she saw the inside.

The brunette just chuckled.

"Take your shoes off and give me your bag" She smiled. Emma immediately did as she was told and then started looking around the house.

Meanwhile Regina went into the living room and put the bag onto the table. Every now and then the woman heard a "What the fuck" or "Holy shit" and had to giggle.

"Regina?" she then heard the blonde shouting.

"In the living room"

"Your house is incredible!", Emma said, amazement clouding her voice.

"Thanks" Regina said, not sounding so sincere at all.

"What? You don't think so?" Emma then asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Regina shook her head. "Wanna sit down?" she asked, pointing to the couch.

Emma nodded and placed herself next to Regina.

"What's wrong with it?" Emma then asked, not understanding Regina.

"Nothing is wrong with the house. It's a beautiful big mansion", Regina responded.

Emma looked at Regina in confusion.

"It's my mother's house. Just a lot of bad memorys, I guess"

Emma nodded, understanding what Regina meant. If someone would want to give her Gregs house, she would be terrified to even set foot in it.

"Then why don't you move out?" Emma asked.

"I didn't have a job with nineteen. It is hard to find something when you are that young. And I was on my own. I didn't have anyone that bought the food for me or paid the bills or anything like that" Regina explained.

"As soon as possible, I started working in a dinner and got a sponsorship so I went to college. I wasn't at home a lot anyways. And now... I already got used to it. It just feels lonely sometimes..."

Emma leaned over to Regina and hugged her. "I'm sorry. I didn't know" she whispered into Reginas ear.

"It's alright, Emma. It has been so long... It's nice to have someone I can talk to about all this" Regina admitted as she pulled back from the hug and smiled at the girl.

Emma smiled back. She glanced down to Reginas lips and up to her eyes again. Suddenly she was aware of the sweet scent of apple surrounding her, the warm hand that still lingered on her back and the breath she felt against her every time Regina exhaled.

She felt safer than ever and finally home.

Slowly, she leaned in and brushed her lips over those of her psychologist. The woman had to smile at the softness and pureness of the kiss. She soon kissed back and immediately missed Emmas lips as she pulled away just shortly after.

Reginas hand came up to the girls blushing cheek and stroke it softly. She smiled sweetly and leaned her forehead against Emmas.

"You are one of a kind, Emma", Regina whispered, giggling as the blondes eyes filled with confusion. "You always find a way to make me feel better", Regina explained.

She gently kissed the teenagers nose and then leaned back again.

Emma, which suddenly felt really cold, scooted further towards Regina and leaned against her. The brunettes arm instantly found its way around the girl and Emmas lay her head down on Reginas chest.

"Your presence alone makes me feel better", Emma whispered as she closed her eyes.

And without being aware of doing so, she whispered "You are like a miracle that came into my life. A miracle that can save me with just a single touch" before she fell asleep.

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