I kissed her cheek and closed the door.

I checked on Cha Cha before I went to the room. Kris was in the tub.

"Hey ugly!" I said

"Wassup" she said slouching down more

"Want me to wash ya hair?" I asked walking to her

"No, I'mma wash it tomorrow, Dez sleep?"

"Yeah she took her medicine, I can't believe he shot her in the head!" I sat on the side of the tub

"I can't believe he did that shit either, but he got it coming you getting in with me?" She asked

"Yes, but I wanted to shower!" I said

"Get in with me please!" She said sitting up

I stood up and removed my clothes, I really didn't feel like standing up anyways.

"Kristina why is this water so hot?" I asked barely getting in

"My body was kinda sore," she grabbed my hand

"Damn, ahh" I sat behind her

"I love you, I know I have been not a good wife, lately and everything, but I trying ash, I wanna do better you know!" She rubbed my legs

"Yes, I know and you're always a good wife, it's your mouth that's the problem!" I rubbed her back

"Well I am sorry. I don't mean to be all crazy" she turned to face me

"I know you don't! So you wanna tell me why you bought Cha Cha a ticket to New York?"

"Because I wanna spend some real alone time with you, we never get real alone time. And I miss that" she pulled me to her

"I miss it too, but four days is a long time for Cha Cha to be gone from me" I said

"From us, yes, but she's gonna be fine, she's with my mom's. Plus she never sees her, they gonna have fun!" Kris said

Kris is right all this drama we got going on there is no time for us. Things have been quite too quite but she wants to spend some alone time and I'm fine with that.

We washed u and got out the tub. I out on my shorts a portable bra and Kris of course was naked.

I woke up and I felt like I couldn't breathe at all. It smelled like something was burning up.

"Kris wake up!" I shook her coughing

"Kris, get up!" I shook her

"Yeah, what's that!" She coughed

"Smell like something is burning!" She got up

"Is that fucking smoke?" I said opening my door

"CHARIS" Kris screamed looking down to her room door it's nothing but smoke coming from underneath

I'm The Girl Next Door |TRILOLOGY|Where stories live. Discover now