Prologue [Part 2]

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Story start:

3rd P.O.V.

A child, no older than the age of 17, lay sound asleep in the safety of the seemingly never-ending abyss. The sounds of a clock ticking in the near distance woke the child from their deep slumber.

2nd P.O.V.

You peeked open your eyes, with the expectancy to see flames, lava, and any other thing of relevance to the eternal depths of Hell. You were, instead, met with a snowy white that stretched as far as the eye could see. It was desolate. A blank canvas bereft of any color.

" I?" You muttered to no one in particular. "Didn't I die? I was so sure I did." The memories of your betrayal were still fresh. You could still feel a dull throbbing where the blade had pierced.

You cautiously stood, half expecting something to jump out from sheer whiteness and attack you.

Is this the ultimate punishment? Years of solitude? Left with only the task of recalling past mistakes?

"Heh, don't think we'd be so cruel as to do that to you. Or anyone else for that matter." A soft voice echoed throughout the abyss. "You're only here as of the request of Kami."

"K-Kami?" You inquired, doubtful.

There's no way a god would ever desire to help me after the sins I've committed.

"Don't you worry that head little of yours, dear. The things we've seen are far worse." Your eyes widened narrowed, glancing all around you distrustfully.

How did they-

"I can read your mind." The voice hummed, answering your thoughts for yet a second time.


"Now's not the time. We've preparations to make, and Kami's granted me with such little time to do so. Now, follow me." You felt the delicate skin of a hand take hold of your wrist, dragging you to an unknown destination.

"W-wait! What do you mean?
What does any of this mean?" You demanded, ripping your hand from their grasp. "I can't even see you. Yet... I know you're there. What's happening...?" You could feel it. The bile rising in your throat, chest tightening, heart racing, and-

You were encompassed in a gentle embrace. It wasn't the reluctant hug you give to you're enemies. No. It was the kind of hug made of love and reassurance.

You looked up, seeing the owner of the for the first time. She was fairly young with long white hair that somehow shone and glistened in the unexplainable light of the abyss. It draped over her shoulders, ending just below her elbows. Her eyes held a deep, lovely violet that sparkled with happiness. All in all, she was beautiful. Alluring, as one may put it. She was kind of woman you'd expect to see in fashion magazines, except, she was real. Not an ounce of her was the result of plastic surgery or photoshop. You felt a small wave of envy wash over you before it was replaced entirely with serenity.

"Better, yes?" She coaxed in a soft, gentle voice. You nodded "Now, allow me to better explain myself. My name is Jikan. I am the Goddess of time."

"But... Isn't time a..." You stopped, unsure if asking such a question would perhaps offend her.

"A man? No, I'm most certainly a woman. I know you humans have stories of old man time, but time is, indeed, a woman. I should know," she assured.

"You're just so..." You trailed off.

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