Part 4 (Akihiko's pov.)

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   I followed Tsuki in the basement to where a training room was. There wasn't much, except a table, shelves and a mat for sparring.
   "There's nothing here," I said.
   "Wait a minute," Tsuki said. The door opened and a drone came in, holding a sword. "It's not activated with the Sybil System yet, so it's not usable in battles yet."
   "Whoa," I said, looking at it. I picked it up out of the drone's grasp and held it. It was a little lighter than I expected it to be, but that could be modified if I asked. The hilt was brown and there were blue lines gong through the blade, like a normal Dominator.
   "That is the new Dominator," Tsuki said. "How does it feel? Should we change anything?"
   "A little light," I admitted. "A sword this size and shape should be 8 to 10 kilograms. The blade looks a little dull, and it could use a better appearance. Since normal Dominators have three different settings, Non-Lethal Paralyzer, Lethal Eliminator and Destroy Decomposer, you should be able to have the different modes on here too."
   "I never thought of that," Tsuki said. "It only has one mode, the Non-Lethal Paralyzer. The sword is lacking appearance as well. I will look into it getting modified. Thank you for your opinion, Inspector Sumi. Now then. Let's go upstairs where you're Division offices are. You are in Division 4, separated from you friends who are in Division 3." We entered an elevator and he pressed floor 10. My heart fell after hearing I wasn't with Koharu or Haruko, but I made sure not to show it as he continued. "You will work with another Inspector and four Enforcers, just like any other Division. Alright?"
   "Yes, sir," I said. We rode the rest of the way up in silence. When the door opened, Nagisa was waiting.
"Sir," he said, nodding his head once as he walked into the elevator. Tsuki and I️ walked through the halls.
"That is Division 1's offices," Tsuki said, pointing at a office room. "Divison 2, 3 and 4 are there, there and there. Understand?"
"Yes," I️ said.
"Four Enforcers and the other Inspector should be on duty right now," Tsuki said. "Go on in and meet them. I️ must go and write my report." He left, and I️ sighed.
   "What a pain," I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck as I walked towards the office. There was a hand ID security pass next too the glass doors. I looked inside and saw 14 desks with three screens each. They were arranged in two lines, nine on each side. The two on the end faced front while the other six were in a way that faced at each other. Four of the desks were taken, the people's backs to each other. Another person was sitting at one of the head desks. It was a woman. She wore black rimmed glasses and had long red hair. She looked up at me and I flinched. Having her getting up made the four people look at me as well. Suddenly I felt uncomfortably small. I felt like once I stepped through these doors my life would change.
   Well, let's be real.
   It was going to change whether I liked it or not.
   "I take it you must be the new recruit," the woman said, the automatic doors opening. "Welcome to Division 4. I️ am Inspector Keiko Watari. If you have any questions, you can talk to me."
   "Thank you, ma'am," I️ said.
   "Drop the 'ma'am,'" she said. "I️ don't like when people call me that. Just Watari or Inspector Watari is fine."
   "Alright, Inspector," I️ said.
   "Edward Shintaru," one of the four Enforcers said. "It will be interesting to have a word weirder around."
   "Hush, Ed!" another Enforcer hissed. It was a woman this time. "What if he doesn't know about it?"
   "It's fine," I️ said. "I️ know about it. But you are...?"
   "Kaori Mekleo," she said. "I️'m also a new person to Division 4."
"Liar," one of the two men left said. "You've been with us for at least three months."
"Shut it, Ayato Takami," she snapped.
"Whoa," the other man said. "Don't need to get feisty." He turned to me. "Yuma Sakamaki is my name."
"Nice to meet you all," I️ said.
"Now that you've met everyone," Keiko started, pushing her glasses up. "Let's get you to work." She told me my desk was the second one at the head of the room, and let me register my own username and password to log in.
"Why do you go see the MWPSB Analysis," Kaori suggested. "She's the information user for the entire force."
"Great idea, Mekleo," Keiko said. "You'll find her in the only office in the basement."
"She's probably smoking a cigarette," Yuma said, typing on his computer. "She needs to break that terrible habit."
"You can't blame her," Ayato said, taking a pack out of his pocket. "Of course, I️ can't smoke in here. Keiko will get mad."
"Do not call me by my first name!" Keiko snapped. "Haven't I️ told you that before?"
"Sorry, Watari," Ayato said, leaning back in his desk chair. "Anyways, have fun, uh... what's your name?"
"Oh I'm sorry," I️ said. "Inspector Akihiko Sumi. Starting today, I️'ll be working with you."

Eiko Momoi: 25 - Division 2
Shiro Tsuki: 28 - Division 2
Haruko Takashima: 23 - Division 3
Koharu Fujimuro: 23 - Division 3
Akihiko Sumi: 23 - Division 4
Keiko Watari: 28 - Division 4

Shima Yukishima: 27 - Divison 2
Nagisa Tachibane: 30 - Divison 2
Seiji Akira: 25 - Division 2
Yuzu Kunikida: 24 - Division 2
Edward "Ed" Shintaru: 35 - Division 4
Kaori Mekleo: 30 - Division 4
Ayato Takami: 31 - Division 4
Yuma Sakamaki: 32 - Division 4

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