"Chill mama, I'm just pulling your leg," Tim said as Clair couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"I need to take you to the hospital, have you tested for brain damage," Dena said as she began walking with the little boy on her hips back toward Mary.


"Clair darling you need to go home and rest, we'll make sure, this little one got back to his parents, okay," Tim said.

"We'll just wait here a little while more, before going to the police," Dena said to Mary.

Nodding her head in a somewhat agreement, Clair let Dena kissed her goodbye as she and Mary went home.

"It's being two hours already, I expected a crying and panicking mother to show her face five minutes after we found him," Tim said as he carried the sleeping little boy from Dena.

"Yeah me too, by the way for a three year old he sure is heavy." 

"Ten more minutes then we leave," Tim said.

You sure are causing a lot of problem for your mama right now, Dena thought as she watched the little boy breathing lightly on Tim's shoulder. Glancing at her phone, she saw ten minutes had already passed, getting up from the fountain's edge, she and Tim began making their way to the nearest police station.

As they were about to cross the main road from the park, two black SUV's with tinted black windows pulled up in front of them, blocking them from crossing the road.

"Excuse me Sir, Mama, but I believe that kid is not yours," a man who wore, a security guard uniform that, looked similar to the ones being worn by the celebrity bodyguards said.

"He was lost, we found him near the ice cream truck," Dena quickly replied.

"Well I assure you, his mother has being searching for him for the last two hours," the man said.

"Is that so," Tim said as he eyed the man, up and down before giving a cold look toward the, other three men who came out of the second SUV.

As the man who just spoken, stepped forward to take the child, Tim quickly took a step back, this made the other men to quickly move in on him and Dena.

"Well as much as I liked, to believe you, I think we should hand the child back to his mother, in person, that way will know this is not a kidnapping stunt, kids get taken all the time, we wouldn't be able to forgive ourselves if something happens to him" Dena said, this had the man holding up his hand to stop the others from advancing on them.

"I'll have you guys know, I can have the public watching this little spectacle, if I want, now, judging from the SUV's, your uniforms and the insistent of you having this child, I'm pretty sure, he's a rich kid or belonged to someone of great importance, now you guys haven't made any drastic moves, in taking the kid away from us, since you arrived, so that tells me, whoever your boss is, he or she doesn't want the public's attention," Dena said as she looked at the man straight in the eye.

After a minute of Dena and the man's little starring contest, the man finally broke the starring contest and proceeded to open the SUV passenger door.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna kidnap you, you'll get to meet Jordan's mother," the man said as he saw the confused and hesitant look on Tim and Dena's face.

"If we got kidnapped for real and they dump our dead bodies in some rubbish ditch, I'll hunt your dead soul," Tim whispered to Dena as she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the SUV.

Despite the tense situation they're in, Dena was grateful for Tim's sense of humour, in a sense it's also his way of coping through the tough times.

As the SUV doors slammed shut, Dena started to second guess her decision of trusting what the man just said.

"So the little rascals name is Jordan, I was about to name him whiskers," Tim said as Jordan woke up and began to make a fuss in the car.

"Really Tim, whiskers," Dena said as she slapped Tim again for the second time that day, before taking Jordan away from him as the little boy stretched his hand toward her.

"I think he's hungry," Tim said.

Taking out her phone, Dena begin playing the Temple Run game in her phone to keep the kid from crying. Looking out the car window, the neighbourhood they are now travelling through looked familiar to her. As the SUV pulled up the driveway into the Max Lexington mansion, Dena couldn't help but let out a silent curse.

This is the longest chapter in the story so far.

Feel free to let me know what you think :)

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