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Davy Talbot had just fled from soldiers. He was getting shot at by arrows and chased down by horses. The reason? He had just murdered his employer after he was double-crossed; his employer gave him only half of what he was supposed to earn and in anger killed him. They did say to never cross someone who knows how to kill. He screwed up though by letting his anger the best of him, and now he was figuring out to evade his capture.

He notices a bridge and sees that there is water right under and jumps in without hesitation. A soldier follows but doesn't jump. Instead, he shoots him with an arrow. The arrow strikes Davy in his abdomen region, but he remains underwater holding his wound. The soldiers disperse once they believed he is dead.

Davy then drags himself on to land and pulls the arrow out. The blood begins gushing out, and he tries to cover the wound though he knows it is useless; he needs medical treatment, and there is no doctor nearby. How wonderful. An infamous assassin dies because of an arrow.

You were coming back home after picking up some herbs and plants. You ran a small apothecary and had finished getting the plants you were running out of. As you were walking home, you hear some sounds. Curious you slowly move closer to the sound, and you see a man clutching his stomach and is wet. You see blood around him, and you run up to him.

"What happened?" You ask checking to see if he was okay or not.

"Go away," he says gruffly. You look at his stomach and see his poorly wrapped bandages.

"I can help."

"I don't need your help." You then move his arm away and start removing the bandages. "I said I don't need your help."

"Complain later. You need to immediate treatment," you say checking your basket for clean bandages you. You pull out your knife and cut a small portion of your skirt and start drying the skin around the wound. You then crush some of the herbs and apply to the wound and wrap the bandages. Once finished, you look at the man. "Can you stand?" He nods. You help him up, and the two of you make steady progress back to your village.

As you got closer to the village, other people spotted you and helped you get the strange man into the apothecary to be treated more. He was sleeping when one of the villagers came up to you.

"Ninety guildens," she says handing you bag. You smile at her.

"I don't believe I charge that much." Your apothecary was the only one in the village. You held the most medical knowledge. Instead of charging copious amounts of money, you would charge two guildens for medicine and check-ups were free.

"But that man will come again." You are currently in debt, or so they saw. Before your parents died, they had just finished paying off debt from one particular man named Bartholomew; he was the same age as your parents and said he would forgive the debt if you would marry him. He was known in the village for abusing his wives until they ran away.

Your parents paid it off by died shortly, and you were left to maintain the apothecary. Bartholomew used this to his advantage and said there was interest to be paid. Many of the villagers found this unfair, but no one wanted to defy him as he was the strongest man in the village and had the most money and power. Instead, they helped you pay off the interest of a hundred guildens per month.

You accept the money and combine it with the other total you had. You had just enough to pay the debt. Just then Bartholomew shows up and leers out you.

"I am here to collect my debt." You hand him the bag, and he counts it. "You managed to get that much. That is one payment down only ten more to go."

"You said there would only two others," you say.

"Did I?"

"You are abusing your power," the villager testifies.

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