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You owned a small cafe that was doing fairly well. Being self-employed right after finishing college was tough; most of your time was dedicated to your business, and you didn't have much time for fun. This was also why your relationship failed.

You were twenty-five at the time and were dating a man you knew since high school. He supported you in your dream of wanting to open a cafe. Finally, you were given some free time and decided to do a surprise visit. It was there you found him in the arms of another woman. That was ten years ago. You were thirty-five about to go on thirty-six, and you didn't care.

You had a few flings here and there, but you had no intentions of settling down. So what if you grew up to be a cat lady with no significant other. You were okay with that. You wanted to stay single, and you enjoyed more and more as you got older. If it wasn't for one small problem.

Morgan Lesters was a fourth-year college student. A young man of twenty one who would non stop asks you out. You had figured out why he was doing this. A bet he and his friends came up with when they were at your cafe. Who would sleep with you first? (Yo I hate myself for coming up with this. To all my lovelies, don't ever do such things.) You felt pissed off being treated as an object of this game and brushed off all his advances.

Morgan never realized you found out and continued pursuing you. At first, he did it, because his friends convinced him into partaking in the bet. Somewhere along the lines, he fell for you. He told his friends, and they supported him and backed out. They even tried helping him in wooing you. He was hoping after he won your heart, you two would be in a serious relationship. Now you had been flat out rejecting him for months on end, but he was patient enough to wait it out.

You were getting annoyed with Morgan. You wanted to put an end to all of this. It was late at night, and you were going to close when he came in.

"Closing time," you say as you wipe a table. Morgan looks at his watch.

"You close at 8:30. It is 8:20." You groan and continue wiping the tables. Morgan sits down at the counter, and you start making some coffee for him. Every time he came to your cafe, he ordered the same thing. As you place the coffee down he smiles. "You seem to know my taste very well." You roll your eyes and continue cleaning. "I was wondering if we can go on a date on Sunday since you close at six that day." You turn to him.

"When are you going to give up?" You ask. You were wondering what kind of punishment was awaiting him if he failed since he was trying so hard months on end.

"When we get to be a couple," he says seriously.

"You are fourteen years younger than me. Why the hell are you trying so hard?"

"Because I like you." You inwardly let out a sigh. He would leave you alone once he completed his goal. Being really tired of all this, you were going to comply.

"One month. Our relationship will last one month." Morgan smiles and hugs you.

"I promise to make you the happiest woman alive." You reluctantly hug him back.

Morgan was super happy to hear you were willing to give him a shot. He was going to convince you that he was the best person for you. Your dating period was pleasant much to your surprise. He treated you kindly and never paid attention to other women when he was with you. He did get jealous when you were talking to other men. You found yourself enjoying it. That is until one day.

You were out on a date, and while walking to a restaurant to eat lunch, you run into his friends.

"Morgan. I see you weren't lying about getting yourself a lady," one friend says.

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