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You had just entered your new apartment and were excited about being independent. You had received a scholarship to go to a renowned university and were certainly excited about going to such a famous university, but you also felt scared.

The university was expensive and mainly rich kids went there. Your scholarship didn't cover the dormitory and it was expensive, so you had to get an apartment elsewhere.With this, you felt out of place considering you were from a middle-class family. Also, you were far away from home and all your friends. You were hoping that the people were nice and that they wouldn't tease you about your upbringing.

Orientation was starting in two days and you started unpacking. Within the two days, you finished unpacking and headed to orientation.

Isaac Howells was a fourth-year university student. His parents were business people and he was a business major. He had always been good at what he has done and that was his problem. He wanted a challenge. A professor had asked him to help during the orientation. Isaac never did anything like that and thought it would be interesting to see the first years.

He was given a list of names and a black wristband. When he arrived, he went to his designated post and waited for the newcomers.

You were wearing your old high school's sweatshirt and jeans. From the minute you entered, you felt out of place. The kids here were wearing designer clothes and talking with each other happily. They all had friends. You felt intimidated and began questioning your decision to go, but you shook your head. You were majoring in Business and this university had a good program. You went to get signed in and you were told you were assigned to the black group and given a black wristband.

You had gone to the designated meeting spot and saw a man waiting there. He was talking to some guys who also appeared to be first years. With hesitant steps, you walk towards the man. He notices you and smiles.

"Is this the black group?" you ask quietly. You were rather shy and felt even more intimidated just talking to them.

"Yes it is." he smiles. "I am Isaac. Your name?"

"F/n L/n." Isaac looks at the sheet with names and checks yours off.

"Pleasure meeting you." Soon others join and you all head to a different area. "Welcome to university everybody. I really am excited to be hanging out with you all. So let's all get to know each other. The name is Isaac Howells. A fourth year here and I am a business major. My dad is a chairman of H company and my mom is the secretary for S company's CEO."

Everyone introduces themselves and say what jobs their parents have. Most of their parents have high paying jobs and you feel weirder being there. Finally, it is your turn.

"My name is F/n L/n. I am a business major."

"What jobs do your parents have?" A girl asks politely.

"My dad is a mechanic and my mom is a florist," you say quietly. You look down but then someone pats your back. Isaac.

"That is pretty cool. They must be proud you got in." Everyone nods in agreement. You smile and soon you begin to get along with everyone. The people were nice but a little bit clueless. They would ask you questions about your lifestyle. What you considered normal was strange to them and vice versa. Soon Isaac begins talking once more. "Okay everyone finds someone from your major and pair up in teams of two."

Everyone paired up and you were alone. Isaac smiles at you. "Guess we are a team." The two of you continue with orientations. Even afterwards, you would run into him on occasions. He would give you pointers on classes and which professor is like what. You thought of him as a good upperclassman but then he started hanging out with you in the library.

Whenever you were studying he would join you and you two developed a friendship from that. You learned of his personality rather quickly. You didn't know whether it was from his upbringing or cockiness but he was childish at times, complaining when things don't go his way. He also started to get you to join him on his random excursions to town and on occasion, you would agree.

Isaac loved spending time with you. You were different from the people of the university. He loved you shocked expressions and happy ones. He enjoyed helping you whenever. He realized his feelings and was interested in you. Being the impulsive man he was, he wasn't very subtle in expressing his feelings. He never outright told you he loved you, but it was quite obvious he did.

You found this worrisome. The two of you were friends. You wanted to keep it that way. You two weren't compatible in your eyes considering upbringing and personality. He didn't seem committed and you were only interested in serious relationships. Finally, he outright said. He was walking you back home to your apartment when he confessed.

"I would like for you to be my girlfriend F/n." You were hoping to avoid this question and feign ignorance but he outright said it now.

"Isaac, you are a wonderful person, but I am sorry. I can't go out with you."


"I know your history with girls. You left a lot of them heartbroken. I don't want to be a fling. I want a serious relationship."

"I can change for you F/n."

"They all say that. Second, you are graduating this year. You are going to forget about me eventually. Third, once I graduate, I am moving back home."

"Can we at least try F/n?" he asks hopefully. You see the desperation in his eyes.

"We are two different Isaac. You are a carefree person who lives like there is no tomorrow. I am a person who worries about the future and carefully manage my time. It wouldn't work." you enter your apartment without hearing his reply.

Isaac continues to pursue and you decide to cut ties with him. You block his number and the next semester change classes in hopes of finding ways to avoid him. One night when you come home from your shift at the diner, you see a man waiting for you—Issac. You take a deep breath before walking to your apartment.

You ignore him and enter your house pin. You enter your home and try to close it, but Isaac keeps the door open.

"You blocked my number. Why?" You freeze when you here how icy his tone is. "Why F/n?" You back away. Every step you take back, he steps forward. Soon you bolt for your room and lock the door. You push your desk in front of it and dial 911. You hear banging and you know he is trying to break the door down. You hide in your closet.

The operator picks up. "This 911. What is your emergency."

"A man is trying to break into my room," you say between tears.

"Calm down miss. Please tell us your location so we can send help."

"My apartment number is—" before you could continue you hear a bang and scream. It scared you so much you accidentally ended the call.

"Come out F/n. I won't hurt you." You push yourself farther into the closet wishing you could disappear into the wall. All of a sudden the door to the closet open and Isaac is smiling at you calmly. When he sees you trembling clutching your phone tightly he frowns.

Forcefully he takes you out of the closet and rips the phone out your hands. Holding your wrist in his other hand, he looks at the phone.

"You don't need a phone when my number isn't on there." He throws the phone across the room and you see the screen is cracked. you try to fight him but he holds you down. "Don't worry F/n. I know you are scared that I won't be committed, but I am. After all, I said I would change for you."

Edited by WrappedInABlanket

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