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Am i going to regret doing this. No doubt. Anyway, main reason for doing this. Some of my favorite writers has written one-shots involving the zodiac characters and I am like, oh shiz, why didn't I think of this. It might be a little different from my usual works since I am going to try writing some of the stories set in modern times so, wish me luck on that. 

Other reason. There is only twelve signs. Twelve signs means twelve stories only. Now, since I am doing this for kicks...

Please please please please please please please please please please please please please do not ask me to update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I love you guys but, STAHP I am happy to know you all love my works but please respect the fact I do have other things to do in life. When school comes around, updates will be slow, not to mention I do have other stories to write (I am going to regret doing this soon...)

So please do me this favor and don't ask for updates. As for order... it will be in this order

1 Aries

2 Tauraus

3 Gemini

4 Cancer

5 Leo

6 Virgo

7 Libra

8 Scorpio

9 Sagittarius

10 Capricorn

11 Aquarius 

12 Pisces 

Zodiac Yandere One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now