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Swiftly gathering up the plates and bowls, she dumped them all in the sink and started washing up. It took nearly a quarter of an hour to finish everything. She could only hope Mukuro had fallen asleep by now.

She scurried upstairs to her room, quite a plain looking space. It looked like a girl's room, with light violet and white walls. There was a desk with an abominable amount of textbooks on. Next to that was a bookshelf filled with different books ranging from literature to manga. Her bed had light blue and purple sheets, and other than the table in the middle - this is what made up her room.

Stuffing the table in the closet, since it was in the way, she brought out a futon and laid it out where the table was previously. It was rather nerve wracking, both having to ask and then actually sleeping. At least the futon wasn't pink.

It was getting darker outside and she didn't want to send him back in the cold. Especially when he'll just end up coming back again. So he might as well just stay here. Although, it was a real shame that she didn't have a spare room... Her house wasn't that big.

At least she had two bathrooms. As well as a room in the front that she may or may not use for keeping plants.

Huffing at her decision to have an indoor garden, she skipped downstairs. Seeing he wasn't yet awake, she moved to peer over his sleeping form. Although some rather forward thoughts messied her mind.

Kneeling beside him, she couldn't help but smile at the calm expression he held. Did everyone look like this when they slept? At peace, and so much more inviting. The answer's no, but Mukuro's an exception.

She brushed the sides of his hair out of his face with a tender look. For someone who apparently didn't have much luxuries, his hair was sure soft. Almost as if bewitching her into running her fingers through it further. She resisted, not wanting to wake him up.

However, with a small sigh, she leant over his figure. Hesitating for a short moment, she lowered her head and planted a small chaste kiss on his temple.

She may be getting ahead of herself, but it was far too hard not to. The way he made her heart throb, perhaps she was sick... Her face was always hot when around him, but now it was scorching.

Frowning, she hurried away to grab a book to read. Unaware of the actually awake and shocked Mukuro she left behind.

When she came back to sit on the opposite side of the kotatsu, he waited before stirring. He knew that she'd have a little trouble otherwise. He'll wait before calling her out on it. 

After seeing his hair move, and noticing him sitting up, Natsuo turned a little pink. 

"Ah, you're awake now?" She looked up from her book, concentration elsewhere. He didn't answer her, only blinked. He leant his elbows on the table and looked around. He noticed that the sun had already set; when? He didn't know.

"It hasn't been long..." She muttered as an afterthought. Mukuro didn't know how he didn't realise the time before. Granted, he doesn't particularly care much. 

"I'm not tired." He replied bluntly, a slight smile tugging at his lips. How could he sleep when there's a work of art sat in front of him? Even better, she seemed to hold even the slightest feelings for him. 

The day could not get any better. 

"Then I'll stay up with you." 

He wondered how she could tilt her head to the perfect angle while smiling. It gave the expression such a hot flare. She continued to surpass his quite low expectations. Since in the beginning she was already perfection to him. 

However, he did have to question what she meant by that. Was she insinuating that he could stay the night? Or just until he decides to leave? Frankly, he didn't want to. 

Mukuro didn't bother voicing any of the questions he held. He was a little lost as to what he was supposed to do though. Natsuo was nervously reading her book, and as much fun as it was to watch her, it wouldn't pass the time. 

Certain ideas did come into his head, but they were denied quicker than the speed at which they entered. He'd probably be the only one consenting to it anyway... As much of a criminal he was, he wasn't a sexual predator. He couldn't deny his thoughts were that of one however. 

Natsuo, sensing the awkward silence settingly around them, got up all of a sudden. She placed her book down on the table and made her way into the kitchen with the departing words, "Would you like some tea?" 

To which he replied, "Tea? I suppose that would be nice." with a somewhat dry and distant edge to his tone. Curse his inability to act warm and kind naturally.

She fixed the tea speedily and returned to her spot under the kotatsu within a few minutes. Mukuro understood now why she hadn't put away the kotatsu, it was cold. Well, more accurately, it was chilly in the house. No doubt it wasn't any different in the night outside. 

He wondered why she hadn't worn a jumper or sweater yet, she was still in her thin silk pajamas. The muddy ruined ones that she should probably change out of and wash. He found himself sweat dropping at her frantic behaviour. Obviously, she was more affected than she let on.

Once she'd placed the tea down, she finally realised. Thanks to Mukuro's amused staring at her clothing. 

"Ah..." She uttered, looking down at herself. Her gaze turned to the freshly made tea, and a conflicted frown crossed her face. She picked up her cup with an awkward grin, "Do you mind if I take a bath?" 

His playful look and the waving of his hand told her he was fine with it. She bowed to him and thanked him before hurrying upstairs. 

About twenty minutes later, she came back down with an oversized and thick sweater on. It nearly reached her knees, and because of that it completely covered her shorts. She decided five minutes ago to make sure to buy more pajama trousers since she only had frilly but comfortable shorts left. Problem was, it seemed like she had nothing else on underneath. A sacrifice necessary when facing the cold. 

At least she had long socks on. It still didn't help at all, Mukuro's eyes were glued onto her bare and palelegs. She did try and pull her sweater down over her knees, but to no avail. 

It was like she was a different person at home. He pegged her as a diligent and wistful person. She still fell under those categories, but there was so much more. 

Momentarily getting over her embarrassment, she asked, "Do you want to take a bath, or shower, too?" 

He thought it over, despite having been to the public baths just yesterday. So he didn't need one, but to pass the time, and maybe see something other than her reading, he stood up.

Natsuo smiled kindly at him before leading him upstairs, explaining where her bedroom was and where the bathroom is. She briefly mentioned the garden in the spare room, and then told him she'd probably be in her room. 

Well, he'd just been assured that he was staying. But was she seriously offering her house to him? How kind to him was she going to get? This was getting out of hand. She continued to make him fall for her all over again. 

He wanted to touch her again. To feel all of her. 

Why did she make him react in such an annoying way? She should take responsibility and give herself to him already. Let him release his frustration. At the very least, stop entering his thoughts and dreams. 

Now he had to calm down again.

Author's note:

I've realised my writing drastically changes in the extra chapters I've written. I prefer this style. 

Anyway, Mukuro seems a little too sexually frustrated hm? :3 Must be tough. 

I'll try publishing more frequently since I've finished all the chapters I had planned, but I'm a little lazy and I hate editing... So don't hold me to that.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Sillage {Rokudou Mukuro X OC}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora