Chapter 1: Meeting Another Family

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 1 of my story and yep, if you know the title of this chapter, the meet up is happening and the love interest will be a voting pole in the next chapter so be watchful for that,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After (Y/N) met Summer she was taking him to her house and as they arrive he is amazed at the look of the house, then as they enter there was some rapid footsteps and two girls came running in and they hugged Summer.......

????: "Mommy."

.........(Y/N) instantly knew they was her daughters and as they stopped hugging Summer, one of em looks at (Y/N)........

????: "Mommy, who's this boy?"

Summer: "This is (Y/N). (Y/N), these are my daughters. Yang and Ruby."

(Y/N): "Hello."

Yang/Ruby: "Hi."

Summer: "Is Tai home?"

????: "I'm right here."

.........they look and they see a guy came walking in and (Y/N) instantly knew he was the father and as he entered he saw (Y/N) and he gets a questionable look........

Taiyang: "Summer, who's this little guy?"

Summer: "Tai, can we talk. Alone."

Taiyang: "Sure."

Summer: "Okay. (Y/N), go sit on the couch. I'll be right back."

........(Y/N) nods and he goes to the couch and he sits down, then he sees Summer and Tai going up the stairs and he looks around. Then as he does he sees a dog jump on the couch and goes to him.......

Dog: *barks*

(Y/N): "Hi there."

.........he starts petting him and he lays on (Y/N)'s lap and (Y/N) smiles. Then Ruby and Yang sits beside him.......

Yang: "His name is Zwei. And I think he likes you already."

(Y/N): "Zwei. That's a nice name."

3rd P.O.V

.........Summer and Taiyang went upstairs and they went in their room to talk about (Y/N).........

Taiyang: "Summer, who's that boy? And why did you bring him here?"

Summer: "I was shopping and as I was walking out I seen him looks in a restaurant window and he was walking off, he was crying."

Taiyang: "What? What happened next?"

Summer: "I followed him in an alleyway and he was sitting on the ground with his face covered, and is saw sadness in his eyes, no sign of happiness. *Taiyang's eyes widen* I asked him some questions, but he didn't answer the first one. Then I saw something under his jacket sleeve and........." *struggles to answer*

Taiyang: "What is it Summer?"

Summer: "He has a cut with a bruise beside it on his arm."

Taiyang: "What?"

Summer: "I asked him what happened, and his response was; his own mother did that to him."

........Taiyang's eyes widen in anger after hearing that, he sits down on the bed and he covers his face. Then he looks at Summer........

Taiyang: "How bad was it?"

Summer: "You're going to have to see."

........Taiyang nods and him and Summer goes downstairs and they see (Y/N) hanging out with Ruby and Yang, then they smile at that and they approached him.......

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