Part Two: Calling All Guardians

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I always thought of being chosen for something more. But I got something more than I bargained for.

It was later that night since Will got captured by this strange woman I never seen before. Me and William ordered pizza as we sat in front of the tv. There was reports of many deaths from a strange being who stabs them and leaves.

"We have to do something."
William: How? Whoever it is must be some serial killer. You have to guard me if we can make it out in this city.

"You want to go home."

William: You just now figure that out?

"Being angry with me won't solve it. I promise I'll help get your sister back. I just need something of hers that has her scent on it."

I watched him place his plate up and went to his sister's room and pulled out one frog plushie then handed it to me.

William: This should help. She wouldn't mind.

Then, the room began to light up pink and we turned around to see a portal type appear to us. I dig into my bag and saw the Heart glowing also. We looked into the portal as we looked inside and stepped in it.

Oracle: Welcome to Kandrakar, Laura.

I heard a voice say my name and I turned around to see a man with some symbol on the side of his head. He had no hair.

" know my name?"

Oracle: Of course. You're holding the Heart as the bearer of missing. We know what happened with Will. We lost connection with her after her disappearance. But you, you could fit in her place for now.

"But......I'm not worthy."

Luba: This is an opportunity Laura. You're our only hope since you're the last person who has seen her.

"A woman kidnapped her."

Oracle: Nerissa. She did this. She used to be a guardian.

Then I saw four other girls appear. Looking to be around my age and also sensed something about them.

Irma: WOW, how urgent is this?? William what're you doin' here??

William: My sister Will.....she's missing.

Taranee: What?! Who took her?

"A woman named Nerissa. I'm Laura Kinney. I was the last who saw her before she was abducted."

Hay Lin: This is indeed serious. But why are you here?

I held up the Heart of Kandrakar to show them. To let them know that I was in the care of it.

"I was summoned here same as you. If this had any proof of anything."

Cornelia: Can you be trusted?

Girls: Cornelia!

Cornelia: What? I need to know if this Laura needs to be trusted!

"You're going to have to. I have this jewel."

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