Chapter Fifteen♥️

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We were at Mike and Shelley's.We I mean as Avery and I.They have taking to like her.

Well love actually.They said she was the cutest thing ever.Her giggle rang in my ears as Mike told her a joke.Her little hand was shaking as she attempted to put another goldfish in her mouth.

Me: "Did you even get that joke?"

Avery: "No!I was laughing at his voice!"

She sat in my lap and tried shoving the food in my mouth.I made a face and shook my head fast.She giggled loudly.

Mike: "How's he doing Kev?"

Me: "He's getting better day by day."

That's the only thing I could say to him.It angered me that they didn't want to see their son.I even offered to drive them up there.Nope work was more important.I didn't tell them about Kirstie.They would freak that a stranger was with Avi.I just told them Avery was a friend's daughter.

Which isn't a lie.

I made Avery pinky promise not to say anything about Avi.On the way here she was talking about how she wanted to be the flower girl in mommy and Avi's wedding.How she would get a good daddy.It made me tear up.

A loud yawn interrupted my thoughts.I chuckled and kissed her blonde curls.

Kevin: "You need a nap little one."

Avery: "Do not."

And ten minutes later she was out like a light on the couch.She wanted a braid before she passed out and Shelley gladly did it for her.


Me: "And I-.."

My phone dinged and I checked it my eyes widened.I jumped to my feet and shoved the phone in my pocket.I grabbed Avery.

Mike: "Kevin,what's going on?"

Me: "Your son's awake."

I stood at the door for a few moments expecting them to say something,but they didn't.I sped to the hospital fast.


I stood in the waiting room with Darien.He was sitting down and I was pacing back and forth.I was waiting for Kevin.He didn't reply so I assumed he hurried up.Within sight I see Kevin running to me.I grabbed a sleeping Avery from him.

Kevin: "Is he true?He's up?!"

I nodded with Avery against my shoulder.I was about to talk when Avery started to whine.I put her down.

Me: "Go to Uncle Dar."

She nodded and climbed up on Darien's lap who cuddled her and she fell back asleep.I grabbed Kevin's arm and walked away a bit.

Me: "Esther,Josh,and Zoe are in with him."

Kevin: "Why isn't Darien in there with them?"

Me: "He doesn't want to barge."

Quick lie.Way to go Kirst.

Kevin: "But Zoe's in there.She's as related to Avi as Darien is and he likes him better."

Me: "Just go."

Kevin: "I don't want to go in.It's family."

Me: "You're his best friend.You are like his brother."

I see him smirking and I roll my eyes.I know what he's going to say.

Kevin: "You're basically his fiancée."

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