Chapter Six♥️

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Me: "What do you mean your guy?"

Kevin sighed and opened one of the doors I passed.He tried his best to not shed a tear.He indicated for me to go in,but I didn't.My hand got wrapped around his and he pulled me in.I didn't want to go in some stranger's room.I wouldn't count it as totally stranger.By the sound of it.Him and Kevin are best friends.

I finally look at the guy.He has a long dark hair that was curly and a neatly trimmed beard.Long haired guys aren't really my type.I don't find them attractive.But him..Stop it Kirstin!You are married!We are getting a divorce though.I feel really bad for thinking he's cute while I'm still technically married.

Without thinking I sit down and grab the stranger's hand.I bring it up to my lips and kiss his bruised knuckles.

Kevin: "I'll be damned."

Me: "What?"

Kevin: "His heart rate hasn't gone above 90 and that what the doctors want it at."

I looked up at the monitor.94,I swore it was 82 before.I made him better.

Kevin: "Do you mind watching him for a couple hours?His parents are stuck and I have to try to help them.Also his sister is in the next room.I would appreciate it if you checked up on her too."

I nodded and he left.I just noticed.I know nothing about him.I sneakily go and grab his chart.His name is Avriel Benjamin Kaplan.I chuckled.Avi is circled right next to it.He must be just like me.I hate being called Kirstin.I continued reading.He had a small brain bleed,his right side got hit all this glass got stuck,his spinal cord...I couldn't read anymore.

Tears went down my face.I can't believe my idiotic husband is the reason for all of this.If it wasn't for him.Avi would be spending Christmas with his parents and his sister.Possibly with Kevin too.But he's here in a hospital laid up in a bed.Just like Jeremy is.Avi deserves to make it,but the asshole who I call my husband doesn't.I slide my hand down Avi's chest and smiled.

Me: "I'll be back."

I leaned over and brushed some hair out of his face before kissing his forehead.I walk down to the cafeteria and get something to eat.I went back up and remembered Kevin's favor.I set my food down in Avi's room and went into Esther's.

She was just waking up as I sat down.She looked at me like I was an alien with three heads.

Me: "Before you freak out.I'm Kirstie,a friend of Kevin's.He went to check on your parents and asked me to watch you two."

She smiled and laid her head back down chuckling.

Esther: "Sounds like Kev.So,you've been over there with my baby brother."

I nodded and sighed.

Me: "I'm so sorry about him."

She sat up and looked at me smiling.Then she started squinting.I noticed glasses on the table.I handed them to her and she put them on.

Esther: "Thanks.What are you apologizing for?Blame the asshole who hit us and especially Avi's side."

I sighed and looked up at her.

Me: "It was actually my husband-...well soon to be ex that hit you guys."

Esther: "Not to be nosey,but soon to be?"

Me: "Just finally noticed he wasn't the man I imagined.You have a special man in your life?"

I saw her ring.Of course I knew her answer.She looked down and chuckled.

Esther: "Yeah my fiancé Darien.We were supposed to get married next month,but I don't know since the whole Avi situation."

We chatted more.I learned a lot of things about her.I can actually say she's my new best friend after that one conversation.

Her and Avi have an older brother.He's married to a woman who they are not very fond of.They have a niece on the way.They are also Jewish.Before the crash Avi's long time girlfriend Alden broke up with him because she's been cheating.

Me: "Sounds like a bitch."

Esther: "Oh she is.I never was the biggest fan of hers.She always used Avi.Like gimme this.Gimme that.It seemed like she didn't have privacy.She always pulled him out of the room literally begging for sex."

Damn.If I was with Avi.I wouldn't treat him like that.I would treat him like a prince he is.Well I don't know him personally besides his looks and the things Esther told me about.He seems like a sweet guy.

Me: "He seems sweet.I don't know why someone would do that."

Esther: "He is.Well he's a brat,but I'm saying that because I'm his big sister.He always annoyed me,but with a girl.He is the sweetest and most romantic guy you could dream of.He will buy you flowers on every date let me mind you.He never learned though.Aleen would take the flowers and stomp on them."

Me: "How did you not-.."

Esther: "Oh,I kept my mouth shut until one incident.So Avi and I share a house.So he came home from one of his dates with Aleen.It was completely dark downstairs.

I could hear him in tears.I went to the kitchen and flipped the light on.He had his hand covering right here."

She patted a spot on her collarbone.

Esther: "He was in legit tears.His emer-.."

Me: "He has green eyes?!"

She chuckled at my reaction and nodded.

I started imaging him awake with those eyes.

Esther: "The most beautiful.I was always jealous of them,still am at times.So back to the story.He was holding his shoulder and I asked him to move his hand.He refused and I made him.I tore his shirt and saw this huge bruise.He tried passing it off as a hickey,but I knew my baby brother.I told him to go to bed."

Me: "I think I know what's happening next."

Esther: "I made myself somewhat presentable.I went over to the little bitch's place.As soon as she opened up the door.

Bam went my fist in her face."

We laughed loudly.Yep knew it.If that happened with Graycie.Esther would be me.

Esther: "I made her not tell Avi and he still doesn't know that happened."

Darien: "My little troublemaker."

Esther smiled and sat up.

Darien: "Hey you."

He walked over to her and kissed her deeply.Esther cleared her throat and nudged her head over my way.They turned my way.

Darien: "Oh sorry."

He looked at her and I could see the worry in his face.It warmed my heart.Making me think of when Jeremy and I were engaged.

He actually loved me.Darien brushed Esther's hair back and kissed her head.

There was tears in his eyes and soon hers too.

Darien: "I was so worried."

Esther: "No need to.I'm here."

I slipped out of the room and back into Avi's.I walked over to his bed and kissed his forehead.

Me: "Hey handsome." 

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