More Friends and Quick Brawl

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Kaneki/Frankie: Point on what?

Draculaura: and that's another one.

I saw Clawdeen chat with Ghoulia for a bit and while they were at it Spectra both wrote down notes and asked question about something, a few moments later we were all chatting since it turns out the teacher for this class has some sort of nasal infection, so Bloodghoul came and said that this will be a free study period meaning.

Random student: No class period!!!

And that guy just said it, I sighed but listened to a few conditions from Bloodghoul, we resumed chatting and Clawdeen got on fire after hearing what happened to me, not literally though.

Clawdeen: next time Kaneki if he still continues to stuff you inside a locker, I will literally tear his horns off.

Kaneki: woah woah easy, calm down.

Clawdeen: I am Calm.

I mentally facepamled but understood after what Ghoulia said translated thanks to Frankie saying that she is quite protective of her friends Normie or not.

Kaneki: thank you for worrying about me Ghouls but, I'm fine really.

I did my best to reassure them since I'm pretty much used to being bullied and ignored most of my life, I was about to say something but my Normie phone as they call it rang and played music loud enough for some students to hear disturbing some who are studying and grabbing the attention on those who are chatting with their friends.

Clawdeen: who's that and that ringtone is catchy by the way, who made that.

Kaneki: eh, a friend of mine sent a text and that ringtone was made by that exact friend.

???: yo dude that ringtone was fangtastic can you share that with me?

Clawdeen: hi Holt, how's Jackson doing.

Holt: he was in control back then before I heard the music, anyway can I have that ringtone too, its as I said Fangtastic.

I was weirded at first but I did sent the ringtone to Holt, who immediately set it as a ringtone for his Icoffin.

Lunch came and we sat on one of the creepateria's tables and as the usual I didn't eat anything except a Sandwich made by Hide, lucky me being able to eat normal food, but it sucks since it leaves bad aftertaste and doesn't last long in my stomach.

Frankie: it's finally nice to see you eat something Kaneki, we thought you have a strict diet or something after you tried to convince us.

Kaneki: heh *scratches cheeks sheepishly*

I left the Ghouls to throw away my trash, as I was walking I saw Manny talking to his friends and Holt which was a bit surprising but nonetheless its them, I was passing by him when I felt something on my foot and saw string, I followed it by tracing it with my eyes and it leads to a catapult like contraption, it then launched something at me which I dodged in time luckily but also unfortunately since it hit Manny.

I then saw a shadowy figure snickering on the edge of my vision but before I could turn Manny stood up and looked at me with hate in his eyes.

Manny: your so going to get squashed.

He stated and threw an uppercut at me and since I didn't have enough time to dodge I only managed to block it with my arms, it connected and I felt fractures forming on my bones and the force of his punch launched me back a few feet away.

I felt my eye release my Kakugan but thanks to my eyepatch it hid it nicely, I then coughed a bit of blood which made Draculaura look green a bit until I wiped it away, never heard of a vampire not liking blood, I focused on Manny who charged at me blindly and I dodged making him charge the wall, he got stuck but forced his way out with a bit of the wall attached on his head.

I sighed and did a defensive stance thanks to Touka and Yoshimura-San, he charged me again and I dodged, I then moved quickly enough to hit his pressure points, he fell down and struggled to move but only managed to move his head and mouth.

Manny: what the, I can't move, what did you do to me.

Kaneki: relax Manny, I only hit your pressure points and paralyzed you temporarily, how did I managed to do it?, let me explain it to you, your head is a bull, you have the strength of a bull, but you have a body of a Normie, and I know how our bodies work and where to find pressure points.

He kept yelling at me unroll Headmistress Bloodghoul came and yelled using a demonic looking megaphone.

Bloodghoul: who made this mess and whoever did will be given detention for two weeks.

No one answered but Bloodghoul saw our state and came over to us.

Bloodghoul: explain.

I was about to say something when Spectra came and showed a video with her ICoffin showing how a contraption went off and tried to hit me but hit Manny instead and Manny got angry and part of the creepateria got demolished.

Headmistress Bloodghoul sighed and pulled out her megaphone.

Bloodghoul: if I find whoever made this contraption and caused this two to fight will be given detention for two months, you two next time better get over this quarrel of yours peacefully or else you two will be the receiving end of detention.

We gulped in fear and nodded rapidly, I touched a certain area on Manny's neck and he was able to move again.

Time skip

Frankie: Wow Kaneki where did you learn how to do that thing earlier.

Kaneki: eh well you see I was also bullied back at my old school so I asked a friend of mine who knows hand to hand combat and taught me.

Ghoulia: *moan* *moan*

Spectra: she said 'did he also thought you how to hit pressure points also?'

I nodded and explained on how Touka and Yoshimura-San taught me how to do hand to hand combat efficiently, we headed for the coffee shop I was working to until I saw a cat in a box curled in a shape of a ball shaking a bit since the weather got cold, I stopped and the Ghouls stopped also looking at what I was looking at and saw the cat.

Clawdeen: I know I don't get well with cats but who ever did this is on my 'bad' notebook.

I said nothing while walking a bit closer, I grabbed the box and suddenly the cat opened its eyes and sat up showing a frail looking pup slightly shivering.

Draculaura: the cat was keeping the pup warm, well that's unexpected.

I petted the cats head which the cat accepted and also purred a bit, I decided to keep the cat and pup to nourish them both back to health.

Kaneki: wait a second * I grabbed my Normie phone and looked at the calendar* how can I be so stupid.

Ghouls: what why?

Ghoulia: *moan?*

Kaneki: I just realized I don't have a shift today.

They looked at each other and laughed, I followed suit and said goodbye to them, I went home and washed both the cat and the pup who woke up a little while after I arrived at the house, the cat was a bit hesitant to be washed which I understand completely.

Kaneki: looks like you two will be the new family members from now on, now all I need is both your names to be called.

I smiled and prepared food for the cat, pup and Hide.

That's the end of this chapter guys long one I know, and I'm proud, so ease guys leave a name suggestion SOUL out, also enjoy the chapter

A Ghoul in a School of Monsters (Hiatus)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن