Snowball fight!

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Yuu squealed in delight as his snowball hit his target. Tsubasa was cringing as the wet mess dripped down his coat, a look of desperation in his eyes as he murmured "Eagle help me, I'm being tortured!" His eagle, who was up in the sky, squawked derisively, as if to say, not my problem, sucker! Tsubasa shook his head, and tried to wriggle out of his discomfort. Yuu was giggling not to far away, laughing at the usually calm and sophisticated teen, now franticly dancing around the park.

"Yuu, time to go home now, it's getting late." It was Sunday, and Yuu had school tomorrow. "No Tsubasa! I wanna stay!" Yuu whined while Tsubasa looked him over with a critical eye. His hat had fallen off in all the fun and his golden locks had escaped, snow flakes peppering the kids head. "Don't you want to see Kenta tomorrow? Your teacher would be disappointed to see if you had caught a cold." I would be too, he thought to himself. Yuu was a brother to him, and was a pain when he was sick. "Oh, fine. But only for Kenchi." Yuu huffed. The two walked home hand in hand.

When they arrived home, Tsubasa quickly got Yuu in his PJ's, and stuffed him up with layers of blankets in his bed. "Tsubasa, I'm suffocating!" he drawled, cheeks flushed. "Tsubasa quickly hustled and bustled about, making him tea and tucking him in so tight he was suffocating him! After Yuu wriggled free he screamed at Tsubasa from his room, "Tsubasa, STOP MOTHER HENNING ME!" his loud voice booming across the house. Tsubasa scoffed from the kitchen, him? Mother henning? Yuu might be sick after all! But then he looked down at himself, and noticed that he was wearing a frilly apron, and holding a cup of tea in which he decorated in a matching children's tea set. Blushing, he thought to him self that maybe he a mother henning, just a bit. Eagle gave him an appraising look. A bit?

After Yuu had finally fell asleep, Tsubasa snuggled into his secret eagle PJ's, ones that absolutely no one knew about. He was the serious, sophisticated, quiet dude, he couldn't wear kids pajamas. But tonight he was so tired, and they looked so warm and fuzzy, he couldn't resist! He woke up at dawn with eagle to train anyway, so Yuu would never know. Grabbing a book , he settled in for a nice read. Unknown to most people, Tsubasa was a big geek, but hid it from his friends, to ashamed to show his nerdiness. Eagle squawked contentedly before resting on his stand beside Tsubasa's bed and falling asleep, Tsubasa soon to follow.

  Tsubasa woke in the middle of the night to a pained moan. Fumbling for the light and jumping out of bed, he ran over to Yuu's room, Bey in hand prepared to whack any thief terrorizing the kid. But there was none to be seen. Yuu moaned in his sleep, beads of sweat dripping down his face, cheeks flushed.

Tsubasa ran over to him putting a hand against his forehead. "He's burning up." he murmured to himself, mussing the kids hair. Going over to the kitchen, he grabbed some medicine and a wet cloth. Putting the cloth against his head, and spooning him the medicine, Tsubasa couldn't bear to leave the poor kid alone, so he grabbed a pillow and slept on the floor, checking to see if his fever went down. Yuu, opened his eyes, and to Tsubasa's relief they were clear and bright. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked gently, patting the child's head. Yuu looked at him, an evil grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, I'm alright, but are you?" He cackled, pointing to Tsubasa's eagle pajamas. Blushing furiously, Tsubasa made no comment. Getting up on stiff knees that had been on the floor all night, he walked out of the room, quickly changing into his normal outfit, all the while grumbling to Eagle. "I stay with him all night and this is how he thanks me?" He asked while combing his hair. After finishing up, he looked at his watch, grimacing as he saw the time. It's eight fifteen Eagle, do you think we should train?" But after hearing the hacking cough of Yuu in his room, they glanced at each other, silently agreeing that Yuu needs them right now, no matter how much of a pain he is. 

Tsubasa called the BFBI, and told them that he couldn't come today, doing the same for his school was a bit harder. Working and learning at the same time was hard, and he felt that his teacher knew something was up. Yet the school let him go, as before this he had a perfect attendance record. Walking up to Yuu's room with a bowl of steaming soup, he opened the door, only to find Yuu sleeping peacefully. Tsubasa quietly put the soup on his dresser and sat down beside him to check his temperature, relieved when he saw that it had went down. Watching Yuu, Tsubasa felt that he couldn't leave and stayed beside him, making sure to change the cloth on his head.

It wen like this for about a week, until Tsubasa knew he couldn't leave work any longer. Calling Madoka, he asked her to watch Yuu while he went to complete his studies and go to the BFBI.

                                                                                         ..... .....

Madoka knocked on the door of Tsubasa's house, and grinned as he opened the door and yelped as Yuu jumped on him from behind. "The little devil is all clear now, he just has to rest." Tsubasa explained while being tackled by Yuu, the kid laughing his little head off. Madoka shook her head, "I know how to take care of him Tsubasa, you don't need to worry!" the two had been friends since kindergarten, and had always looked out for each other. "Are you sure?" Tsubasa asked cautiously, wavering at the front door, backpack and briefcase in hand. "I'm sorry for asking such a big favor Madoka, I know you have to watch the shop." Madoka pushed him out the door. "Are you kidding me, What are friends for? Besides, Benkei is watching the store, we'll be fine!" Tsubasa stiffened, then finally relented and walked out. Chuckling slightly, Madoka sighed to her self. Ever since they were children, Tsubasa was always the independent one. He never let anyone help him, yet always helped others. It was something that still confused Madoka, for she knew Tsubasa more than anyone.

The day went by pretty fast, Yuu was the main reason for that. He was a force full of energy, and Madoka was exhausted by the end. "How does Tsubasa put up with you?" Madoka asked, panting after Yuu had asked for yet another piggyback. She couldn't hide a relieved sigh when Tsubasa opened the door, laden with books. Madoka gave him an inquiring eye, looking over all the textbooks he was carrying, almost toppling him over. "Hi guys," He said dumping all the textbooks on the table. "What are those for?" Madoka asked. "Homework." Tsubasa groaned, sitting down and cracking open a book. "I was gone for quite a bit, and since I'm in a lot of the advanced classes, I get extra homework." This he said with a frown. Madoka realized that Tsubasa was looking more tired than usual, with a pale face and bags under his amber colored eyes. "Are you alright, Tsubasa?" She asked, concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine," Tsubasa replied, giving way to a massive yawn he could no longer hold. Madoka put her hands on her hips and stood up, glowering at Tsubasa with a knowing expression. "Bed, now!" Tsubasa, although towering her in height, cowered beneath her. "But...But..." Tsubasa stuttered, not knowing what to say. "I don't care Tsubasa, you need to sleep too! What time do you get up in the morning?" She asked, angry. "...Dawn?" Tsubasa admitted meekly. Madoka exploded, "What?" "Well, being a secret agent is hard work, I need to train with eagle." He retorted, a determined look in his eyes. "Well, skip it tonight and go to BED!" Madoka found herself yelling. Tsubasa's eyes glinted angrily, "You can't tell me what to do in my own house Madoka, I'm not tired, and I'm not going to bed. I have homework." He retorted, seething while scribbling in answers inside his notebook. Madoka huffed and sat down on the couch, opened up her laptop and started to work herself. Yuu, snickered at Tsubasa and went to go play around with Libra.

Evening came and dinner was a silent affair. Tsubasa was a great cook, Madoka thought grudgingly to herself as she ate. Later on she went to go and wash the dishes, Tsubasa stopped her and grabbed the dish from her hands. "It's okay, I can do it." he said, a note of apology in his voice. He's guilty, Madoka thought to herself once again. "Thanks," She replied smiling. And just like that, things were forgiven between the two.

After putting Yuu to bed, which was a war in itself. Tsubasa and Madoka went into the living-room to complete their studies. While Madoka was writing, she felt a prickle in her throat, and her head felt heavy. I hope I'm not getting sick, she thought. Tsubasa looked over at her, hair still sticking up from where Yuu pulled it earlier. "You're shivering Madoka, are you cold?" He asked innocently. Madoka tried to reply, but the only response was a cough. Tsubasa, stood up and eyed her concernedly. "I think you caught Yuu's cold." He said, giving her a gentle pat on the back. Madoka's head was swimming and she felt like she was going to barf, falling off the couch onto the floor. Then, every went dark, the last thing being seen were Tsubasa's amber colored eyes, widening in alarm.

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