You came back

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Dear Baba,

What is wrong with me? I write letters to no one, I answer the calls of a dead man.

Why do you suddenly come back to haunt my dreams?

My days, nights, and everything in between... filled with you.

I made some new friends, Baba. One of them gave my this notebook. A book for my thoughts.

Letters I'll never send... Words I'll never speak... Secrets never to be revealed.

A voice like silk in my brain. Twisting itself around my mind, entering every thought, every dream, every moment.

Who will answer my prayers... Desperate calls for a father... a brother... a memory of you?

I never forgot the screams, Baba. Nor the faces or the gunshots or the sounds of destruction.

But, I was able to let go of my memories...not forget... but for a while, it was like they weren't there.

I kept moving... I ran away... I fought them.

And now they're back... And it's all because of Drake Maxwell.

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