Chapter 2: Confessing

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Characters for chapter 2
The main character of the story.She is not that pretty, not that smart, not that popular, not that talented, boyish, and she is a special person in my life.She is madly in love with Richard.(She is the one who told me the story but that's not her real name)

He is funny, smart,sporty,cute,nice,loyal,talented and a good follower of Christ. He is jenefir's first love and maybe her last love as well.

One of Jenefir's best friend. Cute, smart, works hard,rich and boyish.She was jenefir's first true best friend.

The recent love of Richard also Jenefir's best friend.She is smart, funny, playful and beautiful. She is a school heartthrob.

I can't tell you how i felt that's why I decided to break the wall by a letter, a letter telling you that for the first time I had feelings for someone that I never felt before. He made me feel complete.I made the letter all night; until the time had come, I had to give you the letter.

I aprouched you while you were alone, the wall was still there but I did not let it stop me. I kept on walking towards you until I gave you the letter.I was a little bit scared that after you read the letter you'll pretend that I'm not your classmate, I'm not your friend or even pretend that I'm not alive.

I ran away just because I was scared I went running to my best friend, told her how I felt...Told her what I see in you.She helped me be happy and she promised me that she'll help me win your heart.

Madeline: it will be easy winning his heart.
Jenefir: how can you be so sure?
Madeline: don't you remember? His best friend and I are together, remember?
Jenefir: ohh yeah I remember!

               3:30 pm

We went home from school. I was walking by myself.While walking I was thinking of your smile, thinking of your reaction to my letter. I was asking myself if you'll still be my friend.

As usual I opened the gate of our house, opened the door, put down my bag, charged my phone, ate, changed my clothes then went to my room. While I was in my room trying to sleep, I suddenly told myself to write everything that happens to me, everything that happens with me and my first love.

I looked for a notebook without writings, looked for a pen then started writing...

Dear diary,

I was blank; I did not know what to write all I can think of is fear of your reaction. Then suddenly something popped out of my head,and I again began to write...

Dear diary,
I finally found him...I finally found the person that would Make me happy, the person that would make me feel special, the person that would be my tissue, the person that will serve as my color on my dark world, I finally found my first love...

I finished the letter then signed it. I ate first than my family cause wanted to have time to think of you. Yes, I've been thinking of you countless times. To many to count; hopefully you'll understand my feelings and just forget about it.

That night, I stalked you; I began to know you. I knew your birthday, your middle initial, your full name and your recent love... I was so shocked when I found out your recent love was one of my best friends. I began to talk to her once again and she told me every special moment you had. It was heart breaking, yes but I was still happy cause I knew you smiled with her.

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