Let's Share the Bed...

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Y/N P.O.V 

Slowly, I sauntered through the nearly empty airport. The boots on my feet thudded against the thin-carpeted floor.

For the last couple months, I had been staying in my hometown, the beautiful city of London. This has allowed me to enjoy some peace and quiet that my job does not. Currently, I am on my way to a shoot in the beautiful city of Cape Town. Surprisingly, this was a hella stressful task. Don't get me wrong, it is an amazing job. Just insanely taxing.

However, this job has come with tons of perks. One of them is that I have been able to choose where I work. Words cannot express how thankful I am for that blessing. I also got to bring my mates along for the ride.

"Oh my God!" a voiced screeched, breaking me out of my thoughts. My eyes tore away from the rows of empty chairs to my right to investigate that voice. A massive smile engulfed my face. Running towards me was one of my best friends, Zoe. I noticed that she had left her duffle bag behind her, and I giggled slightly. I stopped, opening my arms so that I could catch her. Her body collided with mine, our arms immediately wrapping around each other in a tight hug.

"I missed you!" I managed to get out after a short, high-pitched laugh. The brunette let go of my torso, stepping back to get a good look at me. She nodded her head, a large smile on her striking features.

"Ditto. Oh God, look at the time," she mumbled, pulling her phone out of her pocket. I sighed, nodding at her comment. We had to be on the plane in about twenty minutes. Er- I guess it was more of a private jet. All of the crew that was currently in England- me, Zoe, Caspar, Byron, and Joe- were all going to meet and fly to set together. We would meet the other two boys at our hotel.

"Let's get going, yeah?" I asked her, starting towards her duffle bag. She nodded, jogging ahead of me to grab her stuff. Shaking my head, I let out one last sigh. Zoe was such a dork. I loved her though. Picking up my pace, I walked behind her. I noticed that she had pulled out her phone. She was having what looked like a light-hearted conversation with her boyfriend, Alfie. This sat good with me, I could easily hang out in silence.

My mind wandered to thoughts about this trip to come. I wondered how much of the work my boss would let me play around with. Would he let me shoot more? Would he give me more time to relax? I hoped so. Last time, there were days I barely had time to breath, let alone spend some time with my friends. Friends....Joseph.

Listen, I may or may not have minor feelings for him. I mean, that gorgeous bod and that perfect face.... He is a hard person not to be attracted to. But he was way more than just a pretty human being. He had so many talents and he had such a beautiful soul. Joe made you feel important, valued. I may even go as far as saying loved. The blond and I had grown extremely close over the past couple years, and I could easily call him my best friend. He was so insanely pure and thoughtful. Joe would constantly be checking up on me, calling me just to talk. One thing that terrified me was that we were only friends because we shared a couple of mates. I mean, that is not how it is for me. At all. But who knows how it is for him? Did he make friends like me just because he had to? Did he value me the way I valued him? Did he even actually love me?

Okay.....those feelings I have may not be minor. But they are definitely not double-sided. I know that he only thinks of me as a friend. I've always known this, and I guess I have come to terms with it. But that does not mean that this hurts me any less. This petty little realization breaks me.

"Y/N?" Zoe asked, resting a soft hand on my shoulder. Once again, I pulled my eyes from the massive blue sky so that I could look at Zo.

"Yeah?" I responded, setting my rolling bag on its surface. Zoe nodded her head in a certain direction, her dark curls bouncing over her shoulders. My large Y/E/C eyes looked over in that direction, and I saw a small plane about twenty yards away. My cheeks bunched up in a large smile as I rearranged my back-pack on my shoulder.

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