Karl-Anthony Towns: The instances where Tyus Jones farts while having fun

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*Gorgui Dieng's Bedroom*

Kebemer, Senegal

*Caption: he had to fart*

Gorgui covers his nose with his Dieng t-shirt.

Gorgui Dieng: You nasty! You know it's rude to rip a loud fart in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping.

Tyus Jones: Sorry.

Gorgui Dieng: my dad will think it's the lawnmower.

Tyus Jones: I see.

Gorgui Dieng: One time I farted by accident and my dad was like: Gorgui! What was that noise? I thought I heard a lawnmower or something. Damn! I don't think I did that.

Tyus Jones: 😂😂.

Gorgui Dieng: Damn! Dad. You have no excuse for hearing what I was doing.

Tyus Jones: I knew what I was planning,

*Tyus takes forever*

Gorgui Dieng: Tyus! Hurry up.

Tyus Jones: Leave me alone! I'm pooing.

Gorgui Dieng: Seriously? I need to take a shower.

Tyus Jones: I had Vanilla Ice cream since Taj fed me 3 scoops of Ice cream.

Gorgui Dieng: Wow, that's a lot.

Tyus Jones: Where's the bathroom?

Gorgui Dieng: My dad is using the restroom right now.

Tyus Jones: Is he showering?

Gorgui Dieng: Yes.

Shabazz Muhammad: Ty Hurry up!

Tyus Jones: You guys are no fun.

Shabazz Muhammad: Were not boring, duh.

Gorgui Dieng: Gosh! Tyus. You're taking forever.

Tyus Jones: I'm almost done.

Gorgui Dieng: I have an idea, I'll help out with my mom.

Tyus Jones: Mrs. Dieng is there, right?

Gorgui Dieng: Yes.

Gorgui Dieng: Mom!

Mrs. Dieng: Yes Janta.

Gorgui Dieng: Do you need help with the chores?

Mrs. Dieng: I'm good for now, Gorgui. Your dad's helping me.

Gorgui Dieng: Tyus! Are you done or what? Because I'll smell like Arapaima.

Tyus Jones: Damn! Gorgui! You went fishing last night.

Gorgui Dieng: No! What the heck? Do I look like I went fishing last night? I did not go fishing last night, okay?

Tyus Jones: Okay.

GD, KAT, SM and TJ: Goofing Around in SenegalWhere stories live. Discover now