Then i finally when to slepp. But it wasn't peaceful

I can't believe Johnny's here. Who's his cousin? Ugh! I pushed away everything and fell asleep. It wasn't peaceful


I was running through the woods fast. I had to get to him. My eyes were red and i was pissed. I'm going to rip that stupid mutt to peices. he won't hurt him. I will kill him if he does. I ran faster than i thought i ever could. I heard a peicing howl and i ran faster. I won't let him brake me. he won't take him away from me. He's mine. I came to a clearing. He was there. Johnny. He was standing over Jasper. He was about to kill him before i flung him into the air. I was by Jasper in a second. He was ok, just knocked out and a broken arm. I was more enraged. He hurt what's mine.

I turned to Johnny and said,"You worthless mutt. You were about to kill a human being. You might as well be a bad vampire. A killer." He tried to get up but i held him down. I was about to destroy him but then i would be a killer. I said,"I'm not a killer but if i see you, smell you, or hear you around here again, i win't hesitate to kill you then. Now get." He looked at me with those blue eyes i use to love and took off. I felt a new pain.

**Nightmare over**

I woke up panting. Everyone was still asleep. I looked at the clock. It was 12pm. I got up and went and changed. I changed into a red t-shirt that read: DON"T READ THIS SHIRT! WHY ARE YOU READING WHEN I TOLD YOU NOT TOO! I thought it was funny. I put on some black skinny jeans. I walked ourt and Matt was awake. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He said,"I like this room, it's awesomeness." I laughed and nodded and said,"Ya, it's amazing. Hey Matt?" He looked at me. I said,"How did you think i'm suppose to explain these tattoos. Not to just my new parents, but to everyone." He thought about it and said,"I would tell your parents that your a vampire and then i would saut just tell everyone you got tattos." I nodded. I would just say i got a guy to do my tattoos and tell my parents that i'm a vampire. That's the hard part. I said,"Will you come with me? I want to tell them now." He nodded and we started walking down the long steps.

I could tell they were in the kitchen. I hid behind Matt at first. I wanted to tell them before i let them see my tattoos I said,"Rain, Drent? I heard then turn to look at Matt and try to see me. Drent said,"Ya?" I said,"I need to tell you something." I took a deep breath and said,"I'm a vampire." At first they laughed untill i stepped out from behind Matt. That stopped their laughter. Rain came and touched my tattoos and said,"Your serious? These are....Gorgoues." Drent nodded and then he surprised me by coming over and hugging me.

I was shocked and he said,"Don't worry, we still accept you and your sister and now brother too." I smiled so big and hugged him back and then Rain. I said,"Oh and also, let's just say werewolves exist also. Aiden and Jasper are one." They nodded and smiled. I knew that they truly accepted me. I said," Some facts about vampires, some vampires are killers, nothing but bloodthirsty creature, while others like me and Jazzy and Shawn, we drink animal blood. The ones that drink animal blood, we still need human food. And sunlight doesn't hurt us." They nodded and trent said,"Well, now do ya'll want some breakfast. I smiled and said,"Yes please, bacon, pancakes, and chocalate milk please." He nodded and we sat down and then we all ate as we waited for the others to come down. Soon, they all came rushing down the stairs. They all got food and sat down to eat. It was funny.

I finished eating and waited for the others to finish. I decided to text Jasper. This will be funny.


My phone started ringing a ringtone i didn't know.

Cause it's you and me and all of the people

With nothing to do

Nothing to Lose

And it's you and me and all of the peole

And i don't know why

I can't keep my eyes off of you.

I flipped open my phone and it said i had a text from Vampgirl. It said:

Like the new ringtones?

I looked and saw Izzy trying not to laugh at me. I replied:

Wtf? What? Did you steal my phone or something?

I looked and watched her expression. When she read it, she started laughing. She texted back:

Maybe. I was bored and everyone was asleep last night.

I read it and just shook my head trying not to smile but failing. Then my phone started ringing. It was The Good Life by Thrre Days Grace and i knew i had alot more ringtones that this.


Someone called Jasper and after they hung up, he said to Aiden,"Hey, my cousin's in town and he's coming to pick us up." Then Johnny's words rang in my ear. I'm here in town because i'm visiting my cousin. Cousin. FUDGE! There cousin's, i just know it. I had to hold back on not letting my features come loose. We all walked outside to wait for his cousin. He pulled up in a black jeep. Aiden gave me and Jazzy a hug and waved bye to the guys.

Jasper gave Matt and Hsawn a handshake guy thing and shook Jazzy's hand. He came to a stop in front of me. He held out his hand. I catiously shook it. But when i did, it shocked me at what i felt. It was like electricity was going through me. I quickly let go and he said,"Bye and thanks for letting me come. I nodded once. He went and got in the jeep. Johnny and i had a stare down and i could tell Jazzy reconized him because she gasped. I finally let my features take over my face and he just pleaded to me with his eyes before they left.

Jazzy said,"Is that who i think it is?" I nodded and said,"Yep, the past is back."

I'm a vampire who hates werewolfs... then i get imprinted by one!Where stories live. Discover now