chapter 6

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AUTHOR'S NOTE : I don't remember if i said what jasper looked like, but he has black hair and emerald green eyes!



We decided to play truth or dare. It was fun. I made Jasper dress up like a girl and act like a monkey just because i thought it'd be funny. It was. We were all having a good time. Then we all ended up bored. I was bored looking at the ceiling and then i remembered something. I went over and pressed that button that Rain showed us. The ceiling started moving and everyone stared at it. Jazzy smiled at me while everyone else just stared at it. After it was open i layed down and just stared out into the night sky. The stars were out and the moon was full. It was gorgeous.

Then i got this funny feeling. It was like someone was watching me. I looked over and saw that Jasper was watching me. I looked into his emerald green eyes. They were so deep. I was captivated. I finally broke away. I cam't get close to him, i can't be broken again. I finally decided that i wanted to watch a movie. I got up quickly and put in the moviwe New Moon. I like the twilight series even though they got all the vampire stuff wrong. They were right about the werewolved. Everyone just watched it silently. I hate it when Edward leaved Bella. To me, i like Bella the most. Her whole life revolved around Edward and he has the nerve to leave her. It broke her. I know what kind of pain.

After the movie went off, i felt that someone's-watching-me- kind of feeling. I looked around and know one was looking at me. I said,"Hey guys, i'm going to go take a walk, i'll be back soon." They all nodded and i went and jumped out the window landing on my feet. I started running through the forrest. I know someone was watching me. I caught a scent, a scent i knew way too well.My eyes went to black, and my fangs extented and i ran faster following the scent.

I came to this small meadow. He was here. He looked at me with pain in his peircing blue eyes. Johnny. I hissed and said,"What are you doing here Johnny?" He said,"I'm here in town because i'm visiting my cousin. But i'm here in this meadow because i knew you'd come looking for the persin who was watching you and i need to talk to you." I hissed again and said,"I'm done talking to you, i never wanted to see your face again and i never do. Stay away from me." Then i took off and i could tell he was following me so i turned invisible. I was literally so pissed off. I smelled something again. This time, it was a vampire.

I followed the scent. I came to find a vampire feeding on a human. This disgust me. I hissed and the vampire whirled around on me. He hissed with his red eyes and said,"Who are you?" I said,"This is my territory, leave. Now." He just laughed and i was already pissed so that made me more mad. I flung him into a tree with my mind. I said,"Don't take me for an idiot. I know how to kill you in less than a second. Now i said leave. So you better leave." He just hissed and came at me. I dodge and went straight for him. We fought, and finally we was gone. I burned the peices, those creatures don't deserve to exist.

Iean farther into the forrest. I found this rock and i punched it and watched it shatter. I let out a breath and headed home. My eyes were still black and my fangs extened. It was actually only at this time when i was at my full strenth. I stopped outside the house and willed my features back to normal before i jumped through the window. I landed without a sound. everyone was sleeping except for Shawn. He came over to me and said,"What's wrong and i know something is wrong because i can feel it through you, so what happened?" I shook my head and said,"Please just don't worry about it for now." He just sighed and pulled in for a hug. I'm so glad he's back. We got in my bed and he kissed my forhead like he used to and said,"Night sis." I smiled and said,"Night bro." He fell asleep but i stayed awake. I was bored so i got out of bed and went and stole Jasper's phone.

I grabbed my labtop and went and took it to a room. I sat down and recorded some new ringtones just cause i was bored and i thought it'd be fun. I set The Good Life by Three days Grace as default. Then i put his number in my phone and put mine in his. I set my contact as Vampgirl. I set my ringtone as You and Me by Lifehouse. I recorded more ringtones and then went and put his phone back where i found it.

I'm a vampire who hates werewolfs... then i get imprinted by one!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora