I looked at him funny. "What?"

He smirked. "It's not your fault." How did he even know? How did he know I was feeling guilty? "You really think I couldn't tell just by looking at you now?" He knew from being around me for so long. He kissed me softly. My hands were on his chest. His hand was on my lower back. Slowly going down my back and grabbed my ass. I broke the kiss and raised my eyebrow at him. He sighed. "I can't help myself around you." His forehead leaned against mine. "You know that." He whispered. This was going to be different. I'd never see him as a demon again. Sith rolled his eyes at us. "Great. I'm starting to take his belongings to your apartment. Then, I'll come back for you two. It's daylight on earth, but the moon will still be there till midnight." He came over and uncuffed Eurynomus. "Get dressed." Sith grabbed a couple bags and vanished. My body was yanked into his arms. Gently swinging back and forth. His eyes watching my body move. I gave him a small peck. He smirked at me. "Don't tease me."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm being sweet, not teasing."

His hands were on my back. "Don't kiss me like that. It teases me." I stared into his eyes. I couldn't wait for him to come with me. We could finally be together once and for all. Sith came back for a couple more bags and left again. Eurynomus put on a shirt and pants. He fixed his hair as well. I sat on the bed, gazing around. So many memories. From the first time I was forced here, practically begging to be here all the time, to finally getting him to leave. Eurynomus kissed my cheek. "Bella." He raised me to my feet. His finger tips touching my face. "I can't wait to spend every waking minute with you." I felt my heart skip a beat. "Neither can I." Sith returned, his eyes meeting ours. "We have a problem."

I crossed my arms and rolled my head. Eurynomus sighed. "He's putting up a fight." Sith nodded. This wasn't going to be easy at all. He grabs my hand and brought me closer. "I know a way out. A portal to earth. It can't ever be shut. It's across Father's throne room."

Sith laughed. "Of course. Near him. Where he can watch it closely."

Eurynomus shook his head. "He has never once used it. It's our best shot." Sith rolled his eyes, agreeing with him. Eurynomus gazed at me. He smirked. I knew what he was thinking, even though I couldn't see it anymore. Sith opened the door and we all walked out. The hallway was clear. We headed down towards where the devil was. Outside, was ranting. It got louder as we got closer. Once we could see, a herd of demons were gathered around. The devil was standing tall getting them to raise their voices. Their screeches were killing my ears. Eurynomus covered them with his hands. The sound didn't hurt that badly. Sith growled low. "He's only doing this so you stay."

Eurynomus ran his hand across his neck. "It's not working." He matched towards the crowd. I went to go after him but Sith held me back. The devil glanced at him. "Well look who it is. Or should I say, was?"

Eurynomus rolled his eyes. "Enough of this! You're only doing this cause it's your last hope. You have no power."

The devil twitched. "You are no longer my son. You'll die before you see earth as a human. Wasted your time on some human." I had enough of this. I got out of his grasp and ran over to Eurynomus. He held me close. "You're wrong. He never had the chance to be human while you raped his mother, she aborted him. Forcing him to spend eternity with you. Once I came, he began to slowly see the light. Something you'll never quite understand yourself." The devil laughed at my words. The demons laughed among us. He held up his hand. "You think I care what you say? He is nothing to me. Take him and go." Eurynomus yanked me away. We started walking towards Sith. A strange noise flew over us. Next thing I knew, Sith was fighting a couple demons off. "Go!"

We ran towards the portal. Eurynomus went past the boiling hot throne room and went into a darkened cave. He sprinted through the rocky walls. At the end, was a set of stairs. The cave was slowly lighting up. We ran up the stairs together. Tormented screams and cries came from behind us. Eurynomus didn't stop. I was getting tired from all the stairs. He knew it too. He picked me up and carried me up the stairs. We were beginning to see the light. A thrashing sound came from behind us. It was a huge fireball, heading towards us. He ran faster. Almost a few steps away. The light was blinding us. Eurynomus jumped through the opening. We flew into the grass. The fireball flew over us and landed in the trees causing a fire to break out. I looked around. We were in the middle of the woods. The portal started rippling and closed up. Eurynomus kissed my head. "Im free Bella." I held his face in my hand. It all seemed so simple. Why?

Once we were safe in my apartment, Sith left. Eurynomus couldn't stop staring at the sunlight, people passing by on the street, sounds of traffic. It was all new to him. He stood in the sunlight and rubbed his arms. "This light....it's so warm. Before it was annoying, now it's more comforting." He almost had a smile on his face. I gently pulled him away from the window. "I wouldn't stand in the sun too long, you'll get a sun burn. Then the light will hurt." His hands held my face, staring into my eyes. Like he was searching for something that was lost. His lips touched my forehead. "Your body is warm. I can actually feel you." I pushed his arms away. He wrapped them around my waist, yanking me closer to him. "I want to feel you." I knew what he meant by that. Trying to get away, he picked me up. Dragging me into my room. Eurynomus even locked the door. This seemed like the times I didn't want to have sex with him. I didn't want to now, but then again, I kinda did. My pull was more towards not now. He came over to me, pinning me up against the wall. My eyes looked into his. His expression changed. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "You're so...touchy feelly right now."

He puffed. "This is bad?" His fingers aligned with mine. I turned away. He kissed my cheek. "Hmm?" My gaze went back to him. Before I could speak, he backed off. Running his fingers through his hair, he sat on the bed. "I'm sorry Isabella. It's so different. It's not the same as I thought it would be. I want to try everything. Feel things differently, feel your body against mine while we make love." He shook his head. "I'm sure you're already annoyed with me."

I walked over to him and sat down. "I'm not. I know this is all new to you. I'm not even mad." Eurynomus kissed me sweetly. I missed getting those kisses from him. He smirked at me. I found myself in his lap, making out with him. Eurynomus pulled away to catch a breath. I began to kiss his neck. His eyes rolled. "Bella." His hands ran up my back, under my shirt. My bra was unhooked. He smirked at me. His hands ran down to my waist. "Let me have you." He was kissing my chest. I could barely breath. He took my shirt off. I still had a tank top on, after my bra came off as well. His hands groped my breasts. I threw my head back. "Isabel, be a good girl." I still was trying to not let this happen. I got out of his lap and fell onto the floor. Eurynomus jumped right over me. His body hovered over mine. He took the bed sheets and tied my hands together. My jeans and panties came off. He stripped himself. Yanking me closer to his lower half, I couldn't take much more. He was winning. Once he was inside, it felt different for me as well. I could actually feel the pleasure better than the lust desire we had between each other. This was what Eurynomus wanted to feel. He didn't stop either. We went on for awhile until he collapsed on top of me. I breathed deeply. I held him close. Eurynomus kissed me. "It was so much better than the other times." I smiled at him. This is what we needed. Alone time. He kissed my head once more before heading to the bathroom. I got dressed and laid there. Smiling at what just happened. Getting up to go to the kitchen, a figure walked past the hallway. I quickly hurried to see a man standing there. His eyes were glowing yellow, having the clothes of a bounty hunter. Eurynomus came out dressed, rubbing his hair. He froze when he saw the guy. The man smirked at us, aiming a bow at us. Eurynomus grabbed me and ran back to the room. The arrow hit the doorway as the door slammed shut. I looked at him. "Who the fuck is that?"

Eurynomus lowered his head. "A demon bounty hunter."

**I'm sorry to say, but I only have 2 chapters left for this story! I've been debating whether or not to post this. But I don't want it to be a surprise when I make this completed. So thank you to everyone who has loved this story from the beginning.***

Under My Demon's CommandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin