Fake Your Death

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Veronica woke up and began to look around frantically. It was still that same day, a few hours before the concert. She saw Wayne, Taylor, Tara, and Gaga talking at the table.

She sat up and looked over at them curiously. She heard Taylor say,

"Stefani, Veronica is a major setback to your schedule. She runs away every other day now an-"

Gaga interrupted,

"TAYLOR. She is perfect. I would not have kept her if I didn't love her! Remember the last guy that won?! Everything went perfect and he went back home at the end of the week. Veronica needs me, and I need her. Just leave her alo-"

Gaga looked over at Veronica and saw her already in tears after a few minutes of their conversation.

"Veronica... He didn't mean it baby... I-"

Veronica shook her head.

"Just send me back if you don't want me that much Taylor."

Veronica stood up from the chair and started to go upstairs whimpering. Tara and Gaga followed after her, and were trying not to cry themselves.

"Veronica! Stop!"

Gaga grabbed Veronica's shoulder.

"Baby, come on. You know he loves you. We have went over this already."

Veronica stared Gaga in the eyes sharply.

"Just like Lüc loved you? Listen. I don't want to be in a place that the people in it do not want me. Just send me back to my real mom or something."

Veronica jerked away from Gaga and ran further upstairs trying to get away from them. Gaga felt absolutely heartbroken at Veronica's statement.

She ran into the bathroom and locked it. Gaga and Tara ran to the bathroom door in a frustrated manner.

"Veronica, don't start this again."

Veronica smirked.

"Oh trust me. This is something new."

Veronica looked through Gaga's medicine cabinet hoping to find something. There wasn't anything of use in the cabinet, and Veronica realized that she was going to be in trouble when she got out anyways.

So, she opened the door and looked them in the eyes.

"Gaga come here."

Veronica grabbed Gaga by the wrist, pulled her in the bathroom, and slammed the door in Tara's face.

"I know in fixing to sound like the biggest loser on Earth, but why isn't there any pills in here?!"

Gaga brought her eyebrows together worriedly.

"Veronica why would you even think of this?! And, I hid all of my prescription pills from the doctor anyways. You're overreacting, babe."

Veronica closed her eyes tightly.

"I can't take this anymore. That's why. I am afraid that I keep getting on your nerves. And, I don't want to get in your way. Just rip up those adoption papers because this won't work."

Veronica looked at herself in the mirror for a moment in complete silence.

Then, Gaga said,

"I'm not giving you up. You don't give up on yourself either. You understand me?"

Gaga whipped Veronica around and poked her in the chest.

"Yeah, but... Lüc..."

Gaga made a heartbreaking face and said, "Babe, he was my best friend. I don't know if I'm ready to deal with him honestly. I was just being protective..."

Veronica looked at the floor and sighed. "Alright. Well, we can just wait for him to come back then."

Gaga shook her head, fighting back tears, and said with a cracked voice,

"Baby, I've got a plan. But, you might get busted up in the process."

Veronica looked in to Gaga's perfect green eyes and said,

"What is it?"

Gaga hesitantly said,

"First, he is going to have to kidnap you... I just don't know if I'd be in my right mind after that."

Veronica nodded.

"It's going to happen either way, plan or not. What's the rest?"

Gaga laughed softly and said,

"Then we pay some people to keep their dirty little mouths shut."

Veronica smiled with a slight amused expression swept across her face.

"Who exactly?"

Gaga heard Tara laugh to herself, and opened the door.

"Tara, we know you're still here sweetie."

Tara gave Gaga a sarcastic

'awe-I'm-sorry' look, and Gaga rolled her eyes playfully.

"Come on. I know you already know the plan Tara."

Gaga waved her hand towards herself, and Tara walked in the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

"Ok Veronica. After you are hurt or whatever in the hospital, we will pay the nurses, doctors, and people in the morgue to fake your death, alright?"

Veronica smiled devilishly.

"Sounds fun."



StormFoster and I have been working on that little story called

"Born This Way" 😊

Anyways, thanks for reading, and please check it out! <3

With Gaga Forever (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now