Chapter Four: Upcoming Storm

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Gabriel took me straight home, the wind picked up as the rumbling thunder became louder as time goes by. I didn't realize it was late until I witness the tree lines turning darker and Gabriel turned on his one headlight. The book weighed heavy in my bag, I only have eighteen hours left before Gabriel take the book; it's not enough time to wrap my head around everything.

"You're upset." It was more of a statement then question.

I hopped off his bike and sighed heavily once the helmet was off. "What makes you say that?" I questioned, even though it's all over my face.

Gabriel removed the dark shades from his eyes before sitting up on Smaug. "It's all over you face and I know you."

I did not respond to the accurate notion, I only busied myself with strapping down the helmet to the seat. Once finishing with that I stared Gabriel deep into his dark brown eyes and spoke truthfully. "I need more time. You're father or any other cop in this town won't have the time to read through this, they'll pick out the first name who's not dead and arrest them- in this case, Bow has not yet kicked the bucket."

"How do you know he didn't do it? He sure as hell did not have a problem sleeping with girls half his age, why not just cross that line? He could of gotten angry with the pregnancy and killed Naomi by accident."

"And Veronica Barnes as well, two days after Naomi's body was found? A guy like that would not take the time and risk it."

Gabriel sighed heavily in realization, "Its not our job, Z. Let the cops handle it, let my father do his job. Tomorrow noon I'm taking that book." With that he started the engine back up and drove off by doing a large skillful U-turn in the direction of his home.

I cursed him under my breath while going into the house before it started to rain and become completely dark. I ran upstairs into my room after locking the door, the diary was in my hands as I powered on the copy machine. If Gabriel wanted the book he can have it, but not before I get my copies in. Page after page I made a copy of, even the ones I already read. If a thin stack of papers in my hands, I flopped down onto the bean bag in the corner of my room. If I stayed up and laid on the bed, I would fall asleep and useful hours would of slip by.

April 13th.
I found myself twice as tired than before. I could not sleep nor eat, I looked over my shoulders every time I take a step and I felt violated the more I remove my clothing in my own bedroom. It's as if the person was right in front of me, their eyes weighed on me from afar and I have no clue on who's making me feel this way. I was trapped in their game, lost on what I needed to do to protect myself from god knows what.

April 14th.
I had bags under my eyes, my skin was pale and my stomach was still growing even when I could hardly eat a full meal. I could hardly fit into my jeans and the shirts in my closet were too tight for me to wear without causing suspicion on my plump stomach. I'm two months pregnant by now, I needed to leave town before I hit three and I really started to show. Everyday I was on the verge of crying, this day was when I hit my breaking point of going on with this game. Somehow the stalker made it inside my school, notes flew out my locker every time I opened it during class transactions. I would ignore them all, each time it became gruesome and graphic- only a true psychopath would do such a thing. Then it were no longer notes. After school when no one else were around, I opened my locker to find a dead rabbit hanging on one of the coat hooks by it's neck. I never felt so sick in my life or so scared.

April 15th.
I was sick, I think I caught the flu from my best friend- Courtney. She still did not know about the pregnancy and each day it was getting harder to hide my true thoughts and emotions from her. I guess having a clueless best friend pays off. Yolanda, on the other hand, wasn't so clueless. She started to hang around us a little more during lunch or even after school if she weren't with her own best friend.

Eighteen Going on DeadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang