Chapter Three: Veronica Barnes

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April 1st, aka April Fools Day.

Being aware of your life was a goal for a girl like myself-setting goals for your future, being able to maintain the screw up shit and out my emotions in a box- I couldn't do that. I wasn't strong like my parents, I couldn't keep myself at bay when it came to my emotions; I would freak out and take down whatever is in my way, as the counselor would say; I have anger issues. That day was one I realize the Delts twins became my true enemy.

April Fools were the highlight of a jocks journey into popularity, a gate way into becoming a douche bag. Tony Delts became the biggest douche they were in that got damn school, and with my anger I hit back. If you're reading this, you already know what he done and what I've done in return; the whole school did not stop talking about it for a whole week and a half. It was also a day when I watched my friend skip out of my life with my bare eyes, the most painful thing I ever experienced.

I closed the notebook and stuffed it into my backpack so I can read it during class. Courtney Ebbs and Naomi Jones were having friendship problems, I most definitely did not expect that. I picked up my phone hoping to see if my own friend answered my messages or calls, but she went completely MIA, it was unusual for Yolanda not to hit me back. I grew worried by the second, what if the killer took her? Christ! Don't think that, Aunt Joyce would of told me something if that psycho did.

I made my way downstairs to see Aunt Joyce foiling around with the new alarm system. "Still not working?" I questioned while going into the kitchen to grab myself an apple before Gabriel shows up.

"No. Goddammit, I swear to the heavens if I didn't need you in my life at the moment, I would of crushed you with a baseball bat." Hearing Aunt Joyce threatening a computer base system is like hearing an old person complaining about the weather, technology was never her thing.

"Just call the company, the guy can come back and fix it or instruct you on how to use it." I suggested while making my way back into the living room. "For the meantime, we have to go to work- well I have to go to school, you have work."

Aunt Joyce gave up with a huff, she turned to me, lips thin in frustration. "For the meantime until I can get someone out here, use the bat." She jabbed her thumb towards the metal bat leaning on the wall. "I have to stay late tonight.."

"Aunt Joyce, has Yolanda or her parents come by the police station?"

She shook her head no, "Why? What's wrong?"

"I haven't spoke to her in days, after Veronica's death she went MIA. I was hoping to stop by her house after school, maybe her parents kept her from going out or..." The load motorcycle engine cut me off, my face softened from the realization that my best friend was ignoring me this whole time. "See you tonight." I kissed her cheek before walking out the door.


Everyone was still gloomy about Veronica's death, the halls were quiet- the the sound of sneaker scraping against the floor and lockers slamming filled our ears. Even Gabriel and I did not share a few words, my mind was preoccupied with Yolanda and her well being along with the sudden news about Naomi before her death. Bow could of been telling the truth, Naomi could of freaked out and burrowed money from the wrong person; but how does that explain Veronica's death, both were killed the same way- strangulation with rope.

"Hey Freak!" The voice boomed in the hall like thunder, making everyone- including myself- jump in shock as Tony stormed are way.

Gabriel was already removing his bag from his shoulders and taking deep breaths to prepare himself for a fight. I know one thing about fights in this school, you go straight to the point; whatever pent up anger you have will go on that one person. There were no time for talking, just straight violence.

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