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sunday ; chaeyoung's pov

"she did what?!" said nayeon.

jinhee, nayeon and i were at jinhee's house.

"yes she did that!" i said.

"okay school's tomorrow" jinhee said "chances are she's going to spread it by text today".

"yeah" said nayeon.

i buried my head into one of jinhee's pillows. jisoo is one of the worst bullies in school. she often bullied others but has always ignored me... and now knowing she's bullying me, it's strange.

"do you guys know why she's doing this?" i asked as i looked up.

they looked at each other and then back at me. they shook their heads.

i sighed. i'm really confused. why is yunhee helping jisoo? she used to be my best friend before i met nayeon and jinhee. she was always friendly to me. but one day she just... ignored me. she just treated me like trash.

"chaeyoung? since you're feeling down, do you want to go out and get icecream" smiled nayeon.

"sure" i smiled.

we all went to the icecream store nearby the park. i took strawberry, jinhee took vanilla, and nayeon took chocolate.

"the ice cream is really good" i smiled and licked the ice cream.

"yeah!" smiled jinhee.

"i told you guys getting ice cream was a good idea, especially since all of us loves it" nayeon smiled.

after we all finished our delicious ice creams, we threw it away in the trashcan near the store. after that, we all said bye to each other and went home.

i couldn't sleep at night, i was thinking about all the rumors. i knew jinhee wouldn't lie to her best friends so it must be true. i just hope that not many people hear about the rumors and bully me... not like a few years ago.

angelic | jungkookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora