I - noтнιng вυт ashes

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You watch, you wish you couldn't see. You wished that It was just YOU instead of your family. It was 3 am, exactly 3 am as the fire team terminated your creation and destruction. It was 3 am that it all unfolds within your peripheral vision. It seemed too much . . .all too much for a 12 yr old girl.


It was 3 am,the body you counted was 3??
... you only saw three.

Is that It? Who's missing? Is that all of the body?

Your thoughts also seemed to register to the female police officer you are with, causing her to rush off and question the other paramedics in the area.

From where you are currently sitting, draped in a warm blanket from the bed of the parked ambulance. You can see them talking. Barefooted, you immediately got up from your current position and  initiated to climb the side of the fire truck just to hear where the conversation was going.

"Whose Alive?"

A three syllable question suddenly made all of your entire senses jerked awake. The gleam in their eyes causes your bearing to change from deprecated to hopefulness. You could barely register the words coming from the paramedic's mouth due to the incessant noise of sirens from the background. But from where you are standing, discreetly listening, you manage to grab a few words - "3rd degree burn" "mother" "critical" "hospital".

You felt a sting of pain knocking solid-straight right inside your chest, you heard a faint ringing in your ears.

Then after that, everything was a blur.


You didn't recall the lapsing days that spread, you never deemed to talk or eat or sleep. BECAUSE EVERY TIME YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES, ALL YOU COULD SEE ARE THE FLAMING FURY OF YOUR MOTHER YOUR FATHER, CHRIS AND TAYLOR.

Their silhouette like ghost ashes from your memory.

Every time you tried to sleep the exhaustion, even  the sleeping pills for your medication given for your recovery, it was ALL futile, everything was useless. You slept but an hour later you jerked awake. Beads of cold sweat trickling in your forehead, your fist turned white gripping hard on  the bedsheets,  screaming FIRE!!!

You woke up from the vividly nightmare boiling from the guilt and pain creeping within you. It seems to unfold within the burnt ashes from the darkest memory in the back of your head.

You were 12 when the burden of losing everything, losing the once who'd given you life and knowing you were the one to blame, you were the once painstakingly responsiblewith just a flicker of your hand YOU made their life turn into ashes.


You remembered ιt all as ιғ it was conjured from the darkest part of your memory, leaving you in a deprecated state but You blink,once, You blink Twice, THEN you BLINK DOWN THE TEARS and then you tried to dissolve those darkest most unnerving memories from your head.

You remember where you are now and what you've gone through. And that brought you back to your current situation,it brought you back to your current predicament.

And you seemed to remember where your adversity has brought You, you're currently in the outskirts of Town. You've been sleeping on your own trying to survive from the past weeks when you encountered these 3 brute vagabonds that all seemed to have a sadistic gleam in their eyes.

From the 17 years of your unfortunate life,sad to say you have encountered many kinds of this people before and you knew that mischievous smile, that inhumane sleazy character. They all had underlying intentions and You came up with a verdict that they ALL seemed to have commit far more worse monstrosity than You did.

It took you mere seconds for your survival instinct to kick in. You contemplating on being able to relive the idea of using some of the most existential need for hurting and causing pain. You took a step back analyzing the situation that was in front of you.

Like a flash of lightning the 3 drunk vagabonds were circling you. LIKE A PREDATOR ; eyes gleaming in satisfaction as If they were about to devour a helpless prey that went wandering in their territory.

If they thought they could just use you like a rag doll while having their carnal desires satisfied, they are gravely wrong.

You were Lauren Jauregui, if only they know that none of them made the right decision. THEY MADE A HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE MISTAKE AND NONE OF THEM KNEW WHAT'S COMING NEXT -🔥


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