~Chapter 1~

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[3rd Person Intro]

Scarlett rolled over and slapped her phone off her nightstand. The alarm didn't stop, like she wanted. With a grunt, she leaned over off the edge of the bed, and grabbed her phone off the floor and silenced the alarm. As she rolled over in bed to try to fall back to sleep, her mother started knocking on the door, as if she was trying to knock it over with a battering ram. Scarlett grunted loudly, and her mother walked in to inform her that she had to hurry up and get ready quickly, or else she'd miss the bus. Scarlett looked at her clock on her phone and realized she had slept through her first alarm, and was now 10 minutes behind. Scarlett reluctantly got up and got herself ready to go to school. Today was the first day back after summer break, and she was not excited at all. As she was thinking to herself, she received a good morning text from her boyfriend, Tobias. Scarlett began to feel a little better, but she didn't have the strength or capacity to deal with all the anxieties and triggers that high school had to offer. Scarlett was about to embark on her first day of her Sophomore year of high school. She wasn't excited, but she wasn't exactly miserable-well, as miserable as some. As Scarlett got her bag of school supplies, she heard a yelp come from downstairs. With a roll of her eyes, she walked downstairs to find out that her mother had dropped her coffee mug, effectively breaking it. Scarlett made sure to avoid her mother in order to save herself from having to clean the mess. As she stood by the door waiting for the bus, her dog Spike came into the foyer. She looked down at him and discovered that he was covered in coffee. Scarlett smirked, and looked outside to see the bus roll up to her driveway. She yelled to her mother that she was leaving, and slammed the door on her way out.

[First Person POV-Scarlett]

I got up into the bus and rushed for the nearest open seat. Luckily, there was one still all the way in the back, so I made out like a bandit. I'm not much of a people person to begin with, but I also like to play my music very loudly, and thats gotten me plenty of irritated comments. Its become very apparent that people don't like metal, heavy rock, and basically every genre of music other than pop. But anyways, I was on the bus. It was like every other bus ride, obnoxious. I was glad to be on solid ground again when we got to school. Tobias and I found each other almost immediately, and we started our day. I didn't get a chance to walk in the door before I wanted to die. I have extreme paranoia, anxiety, panic disorders, and depression; in other words, alphabet soup of things that make me utterly miserable every day. Anyways, my day had barely even started before everything hit me all at once. And I immediately began to drag my feet.

[Time Skip to the end of the school day]

I've never been much of a good athlete, but I can hold my own in the field. Last year I was on the track team in the spring, which was ok, but could've been better. This year I've managed to get on the all year track team, which means I'm stuck training everyday for the next nine months. Thankfully, Tobias is also on the team; which means that I will have someone to run with, and have some motivation. Today is just a team meeting, the day where we all talk about preliminary shit that no one care about. Rules, code of conduct, expectations, motivational quotes, and of course meet dates. After all that was over with, we got to pick out our uniforms. As someone who wears black skinny jeans ten months out of the year, picking out skin-tight shorts that barely pass my ass isn't exactly my forte, nor is it something I enjoy. As I started getting tense about getting my uniform and trying it on, I was hugged from behind, tightly and closely enveloped and I instantly knew who it was and started to calm down.

"Don't worry Baby, you'll be the best looking out there." he whispered into my ear.

"Why say that?" I asked quietly.

"Because I'll only be looking at you. I'll only be looking at my Baby and that is all that matters." He said as he tightened the hug and kissed my cheek.

I blushed a little and whispered "Thanks Babe... I really needed that."

"I know you did, and I needed to say it, because I didn't say it enough today." he said with a smirk and a small laugh.

"Tobias!" our coach called for him, he tightened the hug again and kissed my cheek as he went to get his uniform.

I was still waiting my turn, there had to have been thirty some girls on the team, which is normal apparently. Since my name is later in the alphabet I had to wait a little bit, but eventually I got my uniform, tried it on, and wrote my name and number on the roster.

~Rising, Shooting, and Falling Stars~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant