Chapter 4

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Now it was math class and I was halfway excited but halfway dreading the high chance that I would probably embarrass myself in front of Lauren.

This girl has taken up 90% of my mind, and I ain't even mad about it to be honest...

"Class, today I would like to sit in your groups that I assigned you last class for your projects."

Austin makes his way toward me and so does Lauren. Austin sits down first and looks me up and down.. making it wayyy to obvious he is checking me out.

Lauren coughs obnoxiously loud shaking Austin out of his trance. 

"Excuse me, had something in my throat." Lauren looks away.

We discuss our group project for the majority of the class... I think anyway. I was a little distracted by Lauren. She had a habit of always playing with her lips. I was kind of really into it.

"We should probably meet tonight to get started on the project.. don't you think?" 

Both Austin and I nod our heads.

"Would you guys be able to come over tonight at like 6:00? We could have a few snacks and just get started on the project!"

"That would work for me!" I say a little too excitedly for a math project.

"I think I'll be able to make it.." Austin says but is a little hesitant.

"Perfect! 6:00 it is." Lauren says as the bell rings. 

She gets up, shows me a quick smile and then grabs her things and leaves. I was watching her walk away when she quick turned back around and said,

"Hey, can I have your number? Just so I can tell you my address of course..." She handed me her phone and I typed in my name and number.

"Here you go!" I say as I shakily hand her phone back. 

At around 4:00 I get a text message from Lauren that says her address. Her house is only 10 minutes away. That means I have to leave at 5:50.

You know how time flies when your having fun? Welllll waiting to go to Lauren's, time has never gone so slow.

Right when the clock turned to 5:50, I started the car.

I got there and realized Austin's car wasn't there. Of course he was late ugh.

I nervously walk up to the door and knock twice. Lauren opens the door with a smile.

"Heyyy just on time!"

"Always." I say with a smile.

"Austin texted me and said he wasn't gonna be able to make it because his brother's basketball game. I figured we should start on the project together anyway."

" Oh really? Yeah we should get a start on it, we don't need him anyway."

On the outside I really don't know how I looked but on the inside was total excitement and also total nervousness.

I was about to be alone with Lauren.

At her house.

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