Chapter 1

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"C'mon, Camila! He is totally in love with you!" Dinah said convincingly. 

"I'm not ready for a relationship Dinah, and you know that! I've been with many guys and it just doesn't work out! I think I just need a break for myself, I mean, I don't need to be with someone at all times! It's nothing against Austin, it's just I need some time to myself." I explained.

"Well fine, I just want you to be happy Camila! And he is a really nice guy, and he's head over heels for you, this could really be the one," Dinah relied.

I pushed my books into my locker getting irritated, what does she not get? I don't want to be in a relationship right now.

" I know you are trying to help me out right now, but it really isn't helping. If I find the right guy, I won't hesitate. If I'm not ready, it wouldn't be worth the time for me, or for him." I said, trying to be calm but failing just a little.

With that the bell rang and we parted our separate ways to class.

I sat in math class thinking about all that went down. I know Dinah was trying to be helpful, but it was time for her to realize that I wasn't ready for a boyfriend. I thought about it more. My whole situation was so weird, it was as if I didn't feel any connection to any guys. I mean, sure I thought some were cute, but I just didn't connect with them in a romantic way. 

"Class, we have a new student!" Mr. Jackson said shaking my thoughts away. I looked up, and almost gasped. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

"Hi, my name is Lauren Jauregui," the new girl said rather shyly.

She had a quiet, raspy voice. There was something about it that made me want to hear it more.
I smiled back, praying to God that the teacher would sit her by me.

"Welcome Lauren. Go ahead and sit down wherever you like," Mr. Jackson said.
Lauren walked forward towards me.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! She's gonna sit by me!" I thought to myself. I looked up at Lauren again.
Lauren then made a sharp turn right and sat at the complete opposite side of the room.
I'm embarrassed to even think that Lauren had even looked at me. 

The rest of the class was a long boring discussion on polynomials, something that would never help me in my future. It was a good thing that I already knew a lot about them, because I wasn't really paying attention, all I could think about was the new girl and her emerald eyes that sparkled. 

The bell ranged startling me, I jumped. Everyone started laughing and I turned around to see Lauren calming green eyes relaxed on me.

"Welp, I guess she saw me," I thought to myself. " What a great first impression."

I bumped into Ally in the hallway looking dazed.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, looking concerned.

Ally was by far my closest friend. 

For a second I was tempted to tell her about Lauren, but realized it might give off the wrong impression. Im not a lesbian, and I don't want anyone to think I am.

I nodded and said "Nope! Everything is good."

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