Chapter 2

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The next day at school, I had a new feeling towards the day. Excitement? Why was I excited?!
Dinah skipped up to my locker and looked at me funny. 


"I don't know.. You just seem different, I don't know, like happy." She said with a smirk.

"Well, nothing has changed so I don't know what you are talking about."

She kept the same smirk, while Ally walked into the conversation.

"Hi girls! There's a new girl, has anyone met her? I think her name is Lauren."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Oh yeah, she's in my math class! She seems nice." I replied trying to settle myself down.
Dinah gave me a glance and then turned back to Ally.

"I saw her walking alone yesterday after school.  She seems really nice, and I just wanted to encourage you girls to talk to her, she seemed lonely when I saw her."

"It's always fun to meet new people!" Dinah said.

They must have seen my eyes widen because they both gave me a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" Ally asked.

"Oh nothing. I just I uh I need to get to class. If I see her around, I'll say hi." I said trying not to tremble.

I walked away before they could question anymore. Why did I care so much about what this girl thinks?! And now of course math is next and I have to see her again. Ugh.

Ally was school president and she was just trying to make her feel welcomed. 

I went to class and made my way to my usual spot, and came to a stop. Lauren was in my spot. I decided to not make conflict, and find a random spot. 

"Today we are going to start a project. We are going to split up into groups of three, and we each do a presentation on the Greek mathematician, Diophantus." Mr. Johnson said.

Everybody looked around at their friends, to figure out who they were going to be with.

" I will chose partners." 

Everyone moaned. 

I didn't care personally because none of my friends were in this class anyway. Personally it actually gave me relief that I wouldn't have to scramble to find anyone.

Mr. Johnson rambled off names. He said "Austin and Camila" last. 

"Sorry. There were only two people left instead of three."


I heard a rough voice shout.

"I wasn't put into a group."

I turned around to find Lauren looking around like she was forgotten.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I made these groups before you came her yesterday. Why don't you pair up with Austin and Camila." He said pointing to Austin and I.

I had mixed feelings. I didn't want to be alone with Austin in the first place, but then again there was something about Lauren that made me nervous. Well she is pretty intimidating. 

I smiled and waved her over to Austin and I.

"Hi, I'm Camila."

"And I'm Austin." Austin butted in.

She smiled shyly, and then we got to work.

The bell rang and everybody scrambled to get their stuff. I grabbed my book and stuffed it in my bag and turned around really fast. 

"Woah!" Lauren yelled as I ran right into her.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." I scrambled to grab her books.

"It's okay. "She smiled slightly "I guess I was standing directly behind you."

"No! I should have watched where I was going. My bad."

She stopped for a moment and looked nervous.

"I was just wondering if I could sit by you at lunch, I don't have anyone to sit by, and yesterday was terrible eating alone."

"Uh yeah." I said stunned. She wanted to sit by me?

"Never mind I don't have to.."

"No! I want you to!"

"Okay."She lifted her head up and smiled.

"See you at lunch." She said as she turned away.

I took a deep breath. Why did that single conversation make me feel like I had just been on a roller coaster? Why did I want to go on another ride?

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