Chapter two- Power

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"Zero. You have a mission."

The young anbu now identified as 'Zero' nodded, her blank white mask contrasting with her short raven hair, "Hai, Danzō-sama."

Danzō sat on a throne-like chair and folded his hands, "I have reason to believe that Suna is plotting against the leaf. I want you to go undercover and enter in the upcoming Chuunin exams. I will have you on a team with Sai and Jin(OC),"

Zero nodded once, "Will I enter as 'Hinata'?"

Danzō shook his head, "No, I will place a strong genjutsu over you so you can use your Byakugan, use your code name 'Hina' and watch the Suna team. Oh, and don't interact with your old classmates too much."

"Hai, Danzō-sama."


Hinata walked out of the ROOT base and was in awe on how the sun felt against her skin, due to her never leaving the base unless for missions, even then it's in the middle of the night.

The genjutsu over her was powerful enough to deceive the Hyuuga and the Uchiha. She had short, shaggy white hair and her regular bangs, she wore a see-through halter top mesh shirt that covered her breasts, but exposed her abdomen and her shorts her black with mesh strips on the hem that ended mid thigh. She had fingerless black gloves and standard shinobi sandals. (^ The pic at the top ^)

Her eyes were a special case, her sclera was black and her irises were blood red.

Hinata has her headband around her forehead and her bangs were brushed to the side, she walked through the streets of Konoha, men ogled at her growing assets and women glared at her.

But Hinata didn't care, she was on a mission and no one would get in her way.

Once she arrived at the building for the first exam and was immediately flocked by random male and some female Genin, all asking for a date or her hand in marriage, to which she bluntly declined.

When she got to the third floor, she recognized two Chuunin under a genjutsu messing with all of the fresh Genin, Hinata walked up to ten and glared at the disguised Chuunin, "Izumo. Kotetsu."

The two flinched as Hinata made a single handsign and the genjutsu was dispelled, showing that everyone was only on the second floor, "As Chuunin, you two should have set a better genjutsu."

With that, Hinata walked away and up to the third floor, she strolled into the room at a leisurely pace and was met with multiple glares from everyone in the room.

The ex-Hyuuga scanned the room until her eyes landed on three Sunagakure ninja.

Targets acquired.

Hinata turned around as the door opened again, she felt her stomach drop as she watched her old friends walk in. Memories filtered in that she had locked away, flashing through her mind, ripping open old wounds.

Luckily, her face stayed neutral, not portraying her inner-turmoil.

A Genin walked up to her, his face more than just familiar. His ocean blue eyes staring into her soul, "Who're you?!" His tone was accusing yet in awe.

Hinata mentally kicked herself and glared at the blonde, "None of your concern."

"Oi! You can't talk to me like that! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I'm gonna be Hokage one day, -ttebayo!" Hinata merely blinked at his outburst.

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