Part 6: Short and Dreams

Start from the beginning

Over the years Edward had known Kidd, there had been some interesting traits he'd been observing from him, some rather peculiar. James's bandana is always on his head, always... on his head. In their whole time together, Edward had never seen him take it off once, not even once. Maybe he liked it on? He had no clue. Some of James's clothing seemed really thick and appeared to have layers, especially on his chest area. For the blazing temperatures in the West Indies, that was a somewhat unusual practice. Wearing more layers would only equal to an even hotter environment for him.

James and Edward had almost reached the shoreline of Nassau, and off in the distance, he noticed another ship. It was very familiar.

A schooner.

It took Edward a couple of seconds to realize who's vessel that was, until he saw a boat making it's way to shore. He saw a familiar face on board, and grinned at the sight of it.

Benjamin Horningold approached Edward and Kidd.

"Why, aren't you two a sight for sore eyes?" Ben exclaims, slowly making their way to the pair.

Only a year earlier on these very same beaches, Ben decided to take his new Jackdaw for a spin, and decided to teach Kenway the ways of taking a prize, the right way he said.

By then, the Jackdaw had been a new player in the Pirate Repubic, and spinning it out for it's first use in combat was a memory to share.

Horningold though much preferred to attack ships bearing the flag of King Phillip, rather than King George.
Edward only assumed that must've been an old pride-in-ones-country type thing. since he'd been a privateer for the British years ago. Maybe that, or the huge influx of Spanish food inside of the ships themselves, to that, he couldn't savor.

He along with Thatch, were the two who mostly did the governing in their new growing Pirate Republic.

"Ahoy Ben, what brings you to Nassau?" Kidd asks Ben, scratching his head slightly to censor an itch.


Ben's face turns somewhat serious, twitching his lip as a result. He turns around, slightly and nervously gesturing at the sight of his badly battered ship. Her sails were literally filled with holes, much like Swiss cheese. It's deck littered with wooden splinters and it's mizzen was hanging by a thread.

James and Edward's looks turned concerned, "Oh..." Both said in sync.

"We were attacked not too far from here. Some gigantic bloody ship, bulky and fast, came out of nowhere. Ben says, and Edward hears the familiarity.

Edward gave a knowing look at James, with it, James nodded at Edward. Both of them automatically knew who the culprit was.

"So Kenway, what's you and the lad doin here eh?" Ben saying, taking out a cigar or funk or something like it. It began to reek profusely of strong smoke.

Besides, Ben always preferred the Spaniard stuff anyway.

"We're just here to patch up the Jackdaw, that's all," Edward replies, scratching his neck, in which it had been developing some sort of annoying itch, "That ship you just described."

"Aye? What 'bout it?" Ben asks, more likely focused on his cigar rather than them.

"It seem's we've also encountered the same ship," Edward gestures to Kidd, "Jim here has heard many of the locals mentioning it's name. It seems it has the whole place bloody knackered."

On other matters, James wasn't very fond of Edward calling him 'Jim Boy'. The reason why though, is that it sounds to, childish. Jim Boy. Who would take that name seriously? The infamous Jim Boy had no fantastic ring to hear in it.

"Did you call me Jim boy? You prancy muckworm?" James insults, poking at his chest.

Edward rolls his eyes, "You keep calling me Kenway. So why can't I call you Jim Boy?" Edward refutes, bringing up a point, "It's doesn't make any sense."

"Sounds like the name of a lad barely old enough to grow his first chin hairs... I'm no boy," James exclaiming annoyed, "Don't call me that again, alright?"

Edward snorts playfully, "By the way, why haven't you grown any hairs yet Kidd?" Kenway proposes, reflecting James's statement.

Kidd's eyes brightened and widened for a brief moment, and he tries to look away, carefully trying to avoid Edward's gaze. After a short while, he turns to Edward again.

James deflects Edward's question, "So..." He points out, "About... the... Jackdaw... Edward weren't we supposed to be repairin' your ship?" James proposes, sounding like he was anxious.

Edward just then realized, "Oh! Why... yes," He turns to Ben swiftly, "Excuse us Ben, we need to go.."

Benjamin nods, "See you 'round here Kenway," He waves off, and then goes into to see Thatch.

They waved off, Ben going up to see Thatch, whom was situated at the top of some fishing cabin offshore.

Edward and James made their way to the Jackdaw to oversee the repairing process.

However, Edward had one last joke up his sleeve, "Hey! Jim Boy!"

James turned to Edward, whom was now beyond infuriated, "Your dead now! Shut yer gob!"

Authors Note:

Thank you all for reading!

Peace, and love!

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