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I walked through the empty streets of Tokyo, as I thought about the day that had slowly gone by.

Yesterday, I had flown from Seoul to Tokyo through my job in a Graphic Arts company, so I could work on some advertisements with their Japan office.
I spent the whole day working with their team, despite of our language barrier. Don't get me wrong, I spoke some japanese, but living in Korea for a few years had kept me busy from continuing to learn other languages.

But with the little japanese I knew, and the little english and korean they knew, we managed to get quite a lot of work done.

Visiting Japan had been a dream of mine for many years, so finally being here almost felt surreal. Sadly, I'd be spending most of my time working, so I wouldn't get much time to explore the city.

As I kept walking, I realized that I had no idea where I was going. The office was quite far away from the hotel I was staying at, and I had no idea where to get a taxi, as I seemed to walk down one of the smaller streets. I told myself that I'd just keep walking, hoping to recognize an area near my hotel or to find a cab that I could take.

Continuing to walk, I finally knew where I was.

The red light district.

"Fuck..." I cursed to myself. My boss had told me to stay away from this area, as the Yakuza had been quite unstable lately. Oh well, I thought. I guess I'll just try to find a way out.

I shuffled down the different streets and alleyways, trying to find a way out of there, walking past several food stands, bars, brothels and prostitutes, seemingly stealing glances at me. I felt intimidated, with the scary looking men trying to get me into their bars, and the sex workers glaring at me for some other reason. I needed to get out of there, I told myself.

I sped up my pace, trying to find a small street or alley that would eventually lead me out of there, when I finally noticed one that was seemingly quiet and without any people.

Relieved, I rested my back against the alley wall and let out a long sigh, as I closed closed my eyes to rest for a second. I opened my eyes again, then slowly started walking down the path.

As I stopped at the end of the passageway, facing a crossroad, it dawned to me that I had made a terrible mistake.

There stood 8 men, two completely different groups, with their guns all pointing at eachother. I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing my horrible error, as I took in my surroundings.

I was in the middle of a gun fight.

The men were all wearing suits, some fresh and clean, while others dirty and rugged. The team to my right had 3 people, while the other had 5, but they didn't seem nervous whatsoever, despite them clearly being outnumbered.

They all looked at me like they'd just seen a ghost.

And then I understood why this alley was so quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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