My kids were everything. They had a head full of hair like their mom and they had a little of both of us in them. I was blessed as fuck to receive my release papers last night. I was going to surprise her today with a dinner but God had other plans. August 19 2012 is and always will be the best day of my life. I had a purpose in life now and I wasn't going to fail my family. I looked down at Rodney as he stirred in my arms. I finally understood why Donte never wanted his li man around that jail shit . I walked over and sat in the bed next to Hennessy who was holding Royalty.

" How did you -" she started to asked

" Let's not talk about that right now . I'm here with y'all now and that's all that matters." I said switching babies with her

" For good ? You here with us every day after today ?" She asked with hope in her eyes

" Let's see " I said taking both babies from her and giving them to the girls .

She looked at me confused before I got on one knee. The room filled with awe's as she brought her hands up to her face . This is what I was int he jewelry store earlier for.

" Hennessy , every since I met you my life had gotten interesting. I hate the way we met but I'm glad we did meet. You've always been so understanding of a nigga even when we wasn't on that level. I almost had a baby by another woman and I thought you was gone bail on me but you stuck around. I messed up multiple times and I thought you would never give me another chance after the last thing I did but like always you found it in your heart to forgive me and love me again. You've giving me a purpose multiple purposes actually to be a better man. I love you and the love I have for you I've never had for any other female. I love the way you laugh. I love the way your nose scrunch up when your mad. I love the way you always have to make sure your hair is wrapped up when you go to sleep or else you'll freak out. I love the way you carry yourself and the way you never let nothing stop you from keep going in life. You're beautiful, strong, and independent. This past year with you has been one of the best years of my life. With you everything feels comfortable and complete and I never want to loose that feeling. The only way I know how to make sure I never do is doing this. Hennessy will you marry me ?" I finished up

" Oh my god Ro " She said wiping under her eyes " Why now ? I look a mess " she said making us laugh

She paused for a minute looking around before she spoke.

" Of course Ro. I don't want to live life without you in it." She said

I got up off the floor and placed the ring on her finger. She placed her hands on the sides of my face pulling us nose to nose.

 She placed her hands on the sides of my face pulling us nose to nose

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