Part 11

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I huffed as I lied my head back against the seat of the car, looking out the window, even though we weren't moving at all.  The car was starting to get colder, as we sat.  It wasn't moving at all, not even running at this point.  We were waiting for the rest of the committee to arrive, but it's been almost two hours, and they didn't show up at all. Parts of me wondered if they just did it to scare me, but I had my doubt on it.  I was sitting in the back corner of the car, looking out the window in boredom, feeling like falling asleep.  I felt my eye lids become heavy as I yawned silently, then continued looking out.  "We're not going to stop you from sleeping, my little butterfly" Urie said, breaking the silence.  I didn't look at him, but notice the fact that he was talking to me.  I huffed in frustration.  "Why would I sleep with my enemy around?" I asked in a angry tone.  "ENOUGH ELLA! Urie don't talk to her" Shiki said frustrated.  Urie put his rose up to his nose as he stared in silence.  I huffed and looked back out the window.  Shiki huffed as he opened the door to the car, and sat on the bottom, his feet handing out.  "Man, what's taking so long to get an exorcist out of the way" he asked, even though no one replied.  I sighed, as I lied on the back seat.

A loud boom jolted me up in fear, as we all looked at the door.  We waited for a moment, listening for another sound.  It was quiet, then it happened again.  "What was that?" Urie asked Shiki, which just shrugged.  I sat up to watch him leave the room, then lied back down again.  I didn't feel like running anymore.  It was too late anyway, seeing how they had me ready to leave at this point.  I sighed, as I tried to focus my breath on relaxing.  I closed my eyes, as I continued to take deep inhales, and slowly exhaling the breath.  I stretched, my hands hit the door above me, and my feet hit the one under me.  There wasn't enough room to relax, but at this point it was the safest thing to do.  "Sleeping's always a option" Urie said, breaking the silence.  I huffed as I rolled on my side, back facing him as I lied in silence.   He chuckled, as crashes happened outside the door.  Urie jolted up as Shiki screamed for his help.   Urie ran out of the room as fast as he could, locking the door of the car.

I quickly got up, and tried unlocking the doors but it didn't work.  "Must be human proof" I sighed, as I sat back to patently wait.  I started to think about what Lindo said about not leaving the house.  If I didn't go to school that day, none of this would've happen.  I would still be at home with Lindo and Ritska, doing exactly what we always do.  Wake up in the morning with Lindo wearing mom's apron, which always made me chuckle a bit.  Ritska and I would be rushing to eat breakfast, and get to school on time.  I thought of the many things I could be doing at this point.  I sighed as the door opened, then the car door.  I huffed, thinking it was just them, getting ready to leave when I heard whimpering.   I opened my eyes in confusion, trying to think of who it could be.  I kept hearing it, as I sat there in confusion, then the sound of something changing entered the room.  "Psst, Ella?" a voice whispered as something hit my arm.  "I stayed like you t.." I said but someone covered my mouth.  It was Roen.  My eyes grew in shock as he sat there, one hand over my  mouth and the other against his lips, shushing me.

He turned towards the door, as he listened.  We stayed like that for a few moments, then he released me from his grasp.  He bent towards me, which got me a little afraid. "Shhh,  keep it down and follow me. I'll get you" he said but the door swung open.  "Your get her, what?" Shiki's voice interrupted.  It grew more louder than it ever did since I was with them.  Roen looked back as he released his claws and stood in front of me, protecting me.  Roen started growling, as he stared at Shiki.  Shiki sighed before speaking.  "Ahh, I missed you Roen" he said in a soft tone. When he spoke, he wrapped his arms around him, like he as giving himself a hug. His face grew sad, but got creepy within seconds.  Roen backed up as he put his arms out, protecting me.  "Your not getting away with her, she's going home" Roen said angrily, as he lunged at Shiki. He pinned Shiki against the wall, keeping him still as best he could.  I peeked out the door, watching in fear of what's going to happen.

Roen smacked Shiki's hand against a button, making the door behind me open.  When it did, the sun's glow shined in our faces, lighting up the room.  I shielded my eyes, as I inched out of the car.  "Run Ella, now's your chance to go home" he yelled, when I finally made it to the side of the door.  I looked at the outside, finally seeing what can be freedom, but the voices in my head told me not to.  "Go. I'll hold them off, just run" he yelled, as he extended his claws and dug into shiki's hands.  Blood oozed down Shiki's wrists, and dripped off his arms.  Shiki fought back as much as he could, as Roen fought  to keep him pinned against the wall.  I started to run out, but Shiki's voice stopped me. "You can run Ella, but when we're finished, we'll hunt you down again, and who knows what would happen" he said in a creepy tone. I sat there in thought of what the smartest thing would be.  If I stayed, I would probably under Rem's control, but I also would have a better time surviving.   If I ran, I could die before they continued with their plan.  I sat there, as footsteps ran closer to the room.  Roen still sat there, keeping Shiki back. "ELLA RUN!" he yelled once more.

I made my decision and made a run for it, as I head towards the open door.  The back door opened, as Rem bursts through the door.  I didn't look back but I knew from the fire, that blocked the entrance.  It was too late.  I took too long to make my decision.  "Ella, get back in the car" Rem yelled, as Shiki gained his strength and pushed Roen out of the way.   Roen morphed forms as he landed on his feet.  Shiki tackled him, making him yelp as he was pinned to the floor.  I turned back as Rem watched them, then looked at me.  "I'll give you a choice Ella.  Get in the car and stay there, or I'll burn you" he said, as I found him right in front of me.  I looked at him with anger, growing in my eye.  I didn't think about it, I was getting sick of Rem's prison, or what felt like a prison.  "I rather die than go with you" I growled at him.  Rem nodded as he ran in front of me and grabbed my wrist.  He pressed my hand up against the  flames as they burnt my hand.  The smell of flesh filled the room, as I sat there and screamed.  Tears drip down my cheek as I looked up at him.  "You should've listened to us from the beginning, but you chose not to" Rem said sternly.

I looked up at him, tears dripped down my cheek, as my hand was pulled away from the flames.  Rem picked me up by the shirt, and pulled towards him.  "Should I chuck you through entirely?"he asked angrily. I looked up, still feeling the burning from my hand.  I looked up at him in anger. I still didn't want to go with him.  "I rather die" I said, with anger filling my voice. Rem smiled, as he got ready to throw me.  "Very well then" he said, as he got ready to throw, but water was splashed on him.  Rem dropped me as he backed up, steaming in pain.  Azuna stood where the fire was, but it was black with the ash.  I felt my head spinning from the smoke as I coughed.  "Ella, stay down. I'll protect you" she said as the smoke filled my lungs, and my hand kept burning.  "Azuna" I said weakly, as my vision started to fade.  Azuna kept throwing water on Rem, as he burned.  "You won't take her" Rem's voice echoed through the room. He lunged at Azuna but she splashed water on him again.  My eye sight started fading as the exhaustion took over.  "Ella" Azuna yelled, as someone got next to me.  "it's ok Ella" a soft said as I passed out from the smoke. I didn't recognize what the last voice was, but I didn't have time to look. I passed out seconds later.

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