Part 5

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I screamed as I once again, jolted awake in fear. My chest hurt from the pounding that the fear and frustration brought me. I looked around the room, seeing it exactly the way it was, except for a couple of extra pillows and blankets, that was on the floor next to me.  I didn't know why they were down there. I looked down at them, seeing Lindo's sweatshirt lying next to it as well. It was balled up at the other side of the blankets, partly under the top one. I took off the covers as I got out of bed, and down next to the kid made bed, on the carpet.  I rummaged through the blanket, finding nothing else, just his sweatshirt. I picked up the sweat shirt in thought, not knowing where he was. I searched the room seeing everything dark except for a light, shining through the open crack of the door. Confusion grew within me while I thought.  "He wasn't in the room when I fell asleep either" I said, as I looked around.  I sat there in silence, as I thought to myself.  The smell of smoke filled the room, as it entered my nostrils, making them burn. I smelt a whiff of melted cheese on something, butter was included as well.  The smell made my stomach growl, as I held it.  "I'm probably just hungry" I said, calmly to myself. I got off the floor and walked out of the room. I didn't even bother getting into my uniform or anything.

I entered the kitchen, seeing Lindo cooking again, but Ritska was not in the room at all.   For once, he didn't have my mother's apron on, he was just cooking without it.  Lindo had a couple of plates on the table, with two glasses filled with some kind of juice. My guess was that it was orange, seeing from the color of the liquid. Forks sat across the plates, with a triangle folded napkin, sitting on the right side of both plates. A bundle of banana's sat as the center piece of the table, perfectly standing up strait in place. "You finally got more sleep" Lindo said as he shut the stove off, and pout some eggs on the plates, two per plate.  He put the pan back on the stove, as he looked at me.  "Eating this morning?" he asked, looking at me with a stern look.  I was taken aback by it, not able to say anything at first. Silently, I walked over and took my seat across from him.  I looked up as he smiled, then took a bite of his egg. I sat there in silence as I ate, thinking of the dream that I had the night before. The dream still haunted me, even in the day. It was silent in the room, except for the silverware clanking up against the plates, and us chewing.  Lindo took a sip of his drink as he looked over at me.  "Rough night again, I'm guessing" he said, even though he wasn't asking me about it.  I nodded, as I started to rub the sleep out of my eyes, and continued eating.  I looked around the room for Ritska, but she was nowhere to be seen.  I made sure I was done chewing before I spoke.  "Where's Ritska? Is she joining us this morning?" I asked him, not even noticing the time.  It must've been at the time to leave for school, if not later.

Lindo shook his head.  "Azuna picked her up and head to school" he said, looking at his plate.  I shot a surprised look at him.  Fear took over in me again, but the voice didn't come to haunt me, yet.  "So I am late is what your saying?" I asked, knowing what Rem told me yesterday.  I was suppose to be in school this morning, in his office at this given moment.  I don't know what he would do if I didn't show up. Lindo shook his head.  "I called you out today.  I tried to wake you, but you wouldn't move. Knowing how you been acting yesterday, I thought you needed the sleep" he said, keeping himself calm as he spoke. I looked at him in fear, as I dropped my fork and it crashed on my plate.  I sat there, silent and speechless, looking at the plate. Lindo looked up at me in worry.  "Something wrong?" he asked, looking at me with confusion.   "I need to attend school today" I said in a panicked tone.  Lindo looked at me, even more confused as before.  "Did you have something important, a meeting or something?" he asked, trying to figure out what it could been.  "I needed to" I started to say but something stopped me.  "Tell and you'll disappear" Rem's voice echoed in my head.  I shook my head as I stopped myself.  "Just needed to talk to a teacher, it's about homework, and no  you can't help me with it" I said, covering up what I really needed to say.

Lindo looked at me in shock, speechless and confused.  His eyes stared at me, wider than a owl's gaze.  Not much later, his mouth dropped open and worried. "I think you should take some time off, you've been acting strange lately.  Maybe your just tired" he said, the comfort entered his voice, but it didn't help.  I packed my bag, as I looked at the time.  "I need to go" I said, but he grabbed my wrist, stopping me before I left the table.  "Hold on there Ella.  Maybe you should stay home today.  You've been lacking sleep and it worries me" he said, a sad tone in his voice.  I stood still, trying not to fight him, as he huffed.  "Listen, your having rough nights, and something's on your mind that your not telling me.  Ritska and Azuna been noticing it too.  Maybe you should talk about it with someone, then get some sleep" he said, worry once again, entered his voice.  I calmed down as I thought about it. "I wish I could, but I can't" I said to him, but it didn't leave my mind. I sat on the thought for a few moments. Rem's voice entered my head, once again.   "Tell and you'll disappear" the voice reminded.  I closed my eyes, trying to hide the fact that I was about ready to cry. I felt the tears, fill my mind, but they didn't fall. Before I said anything, I shook my head and pulled out of his grasp.  "Lindo, I had a important meeting today that I can't miss" I said as I ran in my room to grab my bag.  

Lindo walked into the room, watching me search for it.  I rummaged through my closet where I always had it, but couldn't find it anywhere. "Where could it be?" I thought in my head as I searched the rest of the room.  I heard a huff, as he shifted down on his knees by me, and pulled me into a hug.  "The meeting will wait.  I just need you home at the moment" he said, as he held me in his arms.  I sat there confused, my eyes widened with feat.   "Lindo, you don't understand what I'm going through" I said, as I tried to push away from him, but it didn't work.  Lindo sighed once more as he spoke.  "Is it a student that's threatening you?" he asked, in a depressed tone.  I huffed before I could answer him.  "No, I'm just being tutored and the teacher is strict" I lied, knowing that I couldn't truly tell him.  I didn't want Rem to force me to leave home.  Lindo huffed, as he pushed himself away from me.  "Alright, you want school so bad, I'll let you go" he said, worry was spread on his face.  I smiled as I grabbed my uniform.  "I'll get ready and go" I said as I left the room. Once I left, Lindo looked out the window as he huffed.  "What's going on with her?" he said to himself as he got up, and left the room himself.

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