Part 7

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I ran all the way through town at full boar.  My legs started to kill me, but I fought through the pain as I pushed harder against the ground.  They throbbed right in the backs of them, as my feet pushed up dirt, making them work harder.  I didn't look back, just kept my eyes foreword and my mind focused on home. I wanted to be home at this given moment.  It was the only safe place at this point, nowhere else would work.  I had to get away from the committee, and safe with Lindo, where I know they can't hurt me.  It took me all day to get home. The sky became black, as night fell and the cool breeze brushed against my skin, sweat dripped from my forehead.  The sun fell behind the mountains, saying goodbye for the night.  Clouds drifted across the sky, welcoming the moon to it's place.  The crescent sat there, becoming brighter as time moved on. Stars started spreading evenly throughout the clear, dark blue sky, brightening the moon up even more than it was.  I quickly ran behind a bush, as I crouched down to not get caught.  I calmed myself down, as I took quick deep breaths, gasping for air each time. My heart raced inside my chest, as my head started to pound from the wind, gushing into my ear.  A chill overwhelmed the rest of my body.  All of a sudden, a sickness overwhelmed me within my stomach.  I felt my nose become heavy, and a cough forming in my throat, making it feel like someone  stuck a feather down it.

The breeze brushed against the trees and bushes, making them rustle and some leaves blow off the trees, most of them falling on my back, covering me to make it harder to see me.  The leaves were wet as they blanketed me, freezing me with the wind. I heard a weird whipping sound, then the sound of a dog sniffing.  "A dog?" I thought to myself, wanting to check the scene out, but I stayed still as I kept low, and my breathing silent. I was thinking of how smart it was, being out here without a jacket. I took my mind off it, knowing that it was the least of my worries. I pulled my attention back on the sounds of the outside.  The sniffing stopped as I heard a huff.  "What's wrong Mage, your nose giving up on you?" A voice said through the wind.  It sounded like they came here looking for me.  Rem probably told them to, seeing how they were taking me as a prisoner tonight.  I closed my eyes, as I placed my head on the ground.  Dirt was spreading all over my forehead, hopefully hiding my sent enough to make them run.  A little pounding stated in my head, as I felt like coughing, but kept it silent.

The sniffing continued, as wings flapped in the wind.  I could feel the breeze from them, as they brushed the bushes on me, covering me more.  Branched bent down over my back, keeping me low to the ground, and hidden out of sight.  The ground was now warming up underneath me, keeping me warm for now.  I heard the sniffing start again as a chuckle filled the air.  "She's close, but the question is, where is she hiding?" a voice said from the open area in front of me.  I heard feet landing on the ground, as footsteps walked acrossed the pavement.  I kept myself low and hiding under the bush.  I lightened my breath, just focusing on the footsteps of the three, as they searched around my house.  I heard someone walk closer to the bush, as a voice grew louder. "Oh where, oh where, did my little butterfly go?" A voice asked as I saw white pant legs, right in front of me. I looked at them bugged eyed, as I tried my hardest not to move. I kept my breathing and any other sound low, trying not to get caught. My heartbeat started rising, the closer he came into the bush.  I silently looked up as he searched my area, pressing the rose against his nose.  

My eyes widened as I just sat there, trying my hardest not to move.  I needed a way to distract them, and get in the house.  I knew if he turned my way, I would never see Lindo and Ritska again. Fear started to rise up within me. I closed my eyes, as I lied there in silence.  Tears dripped down my cheek and onto the ground, moisturizing it as the dirt accepted it.  The man chuckled a bit, then spoke again as he walked out of the bush.  "Don't be afraid to open your wings and fly, my little butterfly" he spoke with.  I heard shifting as a light shined through the bush.  A voice spoke in a playful tone.  "What's with you and butterflies, Urie" a rougher sounding voice chuckled with. The man turned around to face the two behind.  "Are you judging the fact that I see the beauty in things?" he asked, walking another way.  I slowly lifted up, seeing the man in white standing in front of me, his back facing my way.  He didn't seem to notice that I was starting to stand up more, moving  out of the Bush.

"No, just you say everything is your butterfly" the rougher voice replied.  They sat there bickering at each other, as wings landed on the roof above me.  "What are you two bickering about? Your wasting time" a third voice asked, as a feather fell off the roof.  The solid black feather landed on the bush next to me, the fluffy end brushed against my nose, making me want to sneeze. I pinched my nose, trying not to move, as I heard footsteps running towards the scene.  "Something's in the bush" the voice above me spoke, as someone leaned in foreword.  My eyes widen as footsteps jumped down into the dirt, in front of me.  "Come on out, little one.  We don't want to hurt you, yet" the voice said, creepily. I closed my eyes, trying to think of a quick solution out of this.  I couldn't just stay in the bush, I'll get caught.  The footsteps stopped in front of everything as Azuna's voice, spread across the ground.

"Devils" she yelled at the three of them.  I heard shifting, as one of the first voices spoke.  "Hmm, why would an exorcist be here at this given moment?  It feels like Ella is near here.  The question is where?"  "You'll never find out" Azuna shouted, then gave a command, but I didn't recognize it.  I waited a moment, but nothing else happened.  Chuckling filled the air, as movements started again.  "Did you think that little trick would work on us?" the rougher voice asked, as movement walked farther away from the voice.  I decided to peek up, as my eyes widened by what I saw. The blond hair man and someone with huge black wings, walked closer to Azuna.  I started moving up from the bush, when I noticed the one dressed in white, standing there, watching.  The rose was dangling by his side, pointing down at the ground.  I watched the scene as Azuna spoke.  "I would, IF I RAN!" she said, yelling the last part. I peeked over as I started to move silently away, trying to get away without being seen.

I walked through the bush, as I tripped over a stump, twisting my ankle in the process.  "You guys take care of the Exorcist, I'll check the bush" the man closer to me said.  I started to panic as I struggled to run, but I stayed where I was.  The bush moved more, as the branches moved, and the moonlight, shined brightly in my eyes, blinding me.  "Run Ella!" Azuna yelled as I struggled to look up, but the light was too bright.  "Ahh, looks like my butterfly flew here" he said, with a sigh of relief.  He crouched closer to me, and started brushing my cheek with his hand.  I lied there, exhausted.  I wanted to run, but I didn't have enough energy to do it.  I closed my eyes, as I continued to take deep breaths, but ended up opening them up again.  The hand rolled my body over, as I saw the man more.  His golden eyes, shining brightly, even though the moon didn't effect it.  "Awe, your tired, aren't you?  All that running, trying to fly away is exhausting" he said in a calm voice.  "ELLA, GET OUT OF HERE!" Azuna yelled, but I didn't have enough energy.  The exhaustion started to fill my head, making my eye lids get heavier by the minute.  "ELLA RUN!" Azuna yelled again, but it didn't effect me.  "Awe, break your wings did we? Don't worry, they'll be clipped soon" he said, a creepy smile grew in his face, his golden eyes, started crystalizing as he stared into mine.  I started to shut my eyes, as the tiredness hit me.  "ELLA" Azuna yelled, but it was too late, I already crashed from exhaustion, not knowing what would happen next.

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