Chapter 15: No Room To Judge

Start from the beginning

Smoke rapidly began to fill the entire battleground, making it hard for everyone to see the battle. Suddenly two smoke dragons began to rise to the air, crossing paths and soon turned into long scrolls. TenTen jumped up high, in between the crossing scrolls, and began summoning weapons from the scrolls.

She began tossing the weapons at Temari who stood still with a confident look on her face. 

"Second star!" Temari shouted, taking out her fan and doing as Hikari predicted. With one swift motion, all the weapons that were flying at her, were blown backwards and fell helplessly towards the ground. 

"I'm not done!" TenTen yelled, jumping back in the air. She flipped over, revealing strings that she had tied to the weapons as she tried redirecting them at Temari. 

With an even bigger gust of wind, Temari blew them all back, including TenTen, who skidded onto the ground.

If TenTen was facing against someone else who was not a wind user, her chances would be a lot bigger, but luck was against her in this battle.

"Third star." Temari announced.

She waved the fan in front of her, as she suddenly disappeared with it, into thin air. Hikari watched as TenTen frantically searched the arena looking for her.

"Here." Came the sound of Temari's voice. 

TenTen turned around just in time for Temari as she floated above her and then landed on the ground, her fan in her hand.

"Ninpou Kamaitachi!" Temari shouted.

A large gust of wind formed into the shape of a tornado, which captured TenTen as the sharp winds began cutting her. TenTen began falling down, and Temari caught her on the sharp ends of her fan, causing blood to be coughed up from her mouth as she hung there, limp. 

"How cruel…" Naruto muttered from beside Hikari.

Hikari wanted to nod beside him, but she couldn't. It would be hypocritical of her to do so. This was the ninja world, there's no such thing as too cruel. Anyone who ends up becoming a ninja, no matter what rank, knows that you must do what you must do to survive in the world of ninjas. What Temari did was something a typical ninja would do. 

She knew from her experiences that she has done things that are worse than what Temari did. Soon, Naruto would know it too. 

"That was boring. Very boring." Temari stated in mock sadness. 

"She neutralized all of TenTen's weapon attacks." Gai stated from besides Hikari.

Hikari briefly turned to look at him, "Perhaps if TenTen was against a different opponent, one who did not use wind, she would have had a greater chance."

No one acknowledged her words, as she turned back towards the battle that was just finishing up. 

"Fifth match winner, Temari." Hayate announced. 

A smirk came across Temari's face as she tossed TenTen into the tools.

"Oh no." Lee muttered as he disappeared from the balcony. 

He caught TenTen right on time as she came flying into his hands, avoiding the sharp tools. He glared at Temari as he gently put TenTen on the weapon free grounds. 

"Nice catch." Temari commented.

"Why did you do that?" Lee demanded, "Is that something you should do to someone who fought her hardest?"

Hikari looked away, not wanting to hear anymore of Lee's arguments. She had done the same thing during her preliminary rounds in the Chunin Exams, 13 years ago when she was 5. After being provoked by her opponent, she almost ended her life. She really had no room to judge Temari and her actions.

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