“Hey!” Dani greets us, wrapping her arms around Ava and Jax. Both kids were dressed up nicely, after much arguing. Louis looked good too.

“Happy anniversary.” I smile, hugging my sister-in-law.

“Thanks, love.” She smiles, hugging Louis. My brother comes over and I smile at him. He’s changed too. Not a lot, body wise he was the same. He had softened up though, thank gawd.

“Go eat; Niall’s already attacked the food.” Liam laughs, hugging me tightly. I loved my brother so much, you wouldn’t even imagine.

“Doesn’t surprise me.” I laugh, ushering the twins up the stairs of the winery. We were greeted by Zayn and Katrina, hugging us tight. Zayn took the twins to a room where I guess all of them were.

“Hey chicka.” She smiles, wrapping her arms around me.

“Hey, Trina.” I laugh out and she looks me over.

“Where is everyone else?” Louis asks, looking at Zayn.

“Niall and Emma are at the food table. Harry and Ivory are tasting wine.” Zayn laughs, looking at Niall and Emma who were giving Jason something to eat. He was adorable, blonde shaggy with a hint of brown. His blue eyes were like a pool.

“Hey Emma!” I shout to my cousin who skips over, wrapping her arms around me.

“How’s it going? Where are the twins?” She shoots at me as Niall makes his way over and Jason runs to the playroom.

“Playroom and good.” I laugh as Niall hugs me. Ivory and Harry make their way up the stairs and Ivory offers me a glass of wine. I take a sip of it and snort.  “Geez girl, you drink this!”

“Do not forget about me.” An unmistakable voice shouts out and the red head makes his way up the stairs, the curly blonde behind him.

“Ed,” Harry shouts, fist pumping Ed Sheeran. Jenny smiles as Niall hugs her.

“Hey Ed, Hey Jenny.” I smile and they both hug me tight.

“How’s it going, love?” Jenny asks, hugging Louis.

“Great.” We chorus and everyone laughs. Ed and Jenny weren’t together, yet. We were all waiting for the day he would get down on one knee and propose.  I think Jenny was waiting too. They had been together for three years. She’s a nurse, that’s how they met. Ed was at the hospital when the twins were born and WALAH!

“Who’s all coming to this?” I ask my brother as he makes his way up the stairs with Dani at his heels.

“Uh, Ruth and Nicola, Mom and Dad. Eleanor, Justin Bieber, Jessica, Sadie.” Liam names off and my head shoots up at the mention of Eleanor.

“Why in the world did you invite her?” I snap, pinning my brother to the wall.

“Dani did.” He sputters and I let him go, looking at Dani.

“She’s my friend!” She shouts, running downstairs. And yes, Justin Bieber and Niall are pretty close now. After Niall went all ‘OMG ITS JUSTIN BIEBER!’ a couple times, they exchanged phone numbers.

“Cwan I hawve a cuppycake?” Jax asks, swinging his legs. He was sitting in the chair as we watched the baby movie they were all watching.

“We haven’t even had dinner!” I laugh, poking the boy.

“Otay,” He mumbles, going back to the movie. I walk out of the room to see everyone here. I look at a brunette leaning against the wall on the stairs talking to Louis. Oh fuck no.

“Oh Louis!” I chirp. He doesn’t even look up, coming up the stairs to me with Eleanor on his heels.

“What were you doing?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. She had changed, her hair was longer and she was tanner.

“We were exchanging numbers! Who are you?” She says sing songily.

“I’m Chris.” I growl and she looks up.

“No you aren’t. Chris is a whore.” She laughs and I pin her against the wall.

“Oh really?” I laugh.

“Ya, actually.” She smirks and I slap her, hard. My hand stings after this.

“Oh bitch.” She shouts, punching me in the gut. I grabbed her dress on the way down, and then stepped on her foot. She yelps and I stand up straight, jumping on her back. Ya, I wasn’t that good at fighting.

“Chris!” Someone shouts and I get pulled off Eleanor.

“Love,” Someone choruses, pulling me back as I try to punch her again. Dani and Harry hold back Eleanor and I groan. Sinking against who was behind me, who I didn’t know, I started to cry.

“It’s alright.” Ed coos and I snort. He is so weird.

“Chris, are you alright?” Liam asks, poking my jaw.

“Ed, you suck at comforting. And Liam, don’t poke it!” I laugh. I was expecting them. I wasn’t expecting Louis. Nope, not at all.

“Go home, you promised to not start a fight. But you did!” Danielle raises her voice at Eleanor and shoos her off. I laugh at this and Eleanor shoots me a look. I stick my tongue out immaturely and she flips me off. Well, than.

“Where is Louis?” Dani snaps, looking like she is going to kick some ass.

“Zayn and Niall dragged him off somewhere.” Justin laughs and I look at him. Damn, he was hot.

“Oh.” I groan out, laying flat on the ground.

Dramatic Changes {One Direction-Run the World Sequel}Where stories live. Discover now