ii. alyssa

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i'm sorry.

those are his last two words.

there is no hope in me trying to break free of the grips of these pathetic men. james only runs further into the horizon, slowly until his silhouette is nowhere to be seen.

i love james, just like i thought i would. it happened all so suddenly.

one of the men tried firing his firearm at james a few moments ago. emphasis on "tried" because either the people training these people are utter shit or james is just lucky. i think it's the first one.

the men are pushing me in the direction we had just run from.

"where the fuck are we going?" i asked demandingly. i really don't want to see my dad again. i don't even think i should consider him a dad anymore after that son of a bitch abandoned me without a single thought of my existence afterward.

"don't worry about it. you're safe now," says one of the men.

i'm safe? are they actually kidding me? 

• • •

authors note: i've been super busy with studying for midterms so sorry for not updating this part earlier. i hope you guys are enjoying it so far! i'll try to make my chapters longer in the future :)

the beginning of us  // teotfw season 2 ; jalyssaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt