iii. james

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there's no turning back now.

i ran until i encountered big, gray rocks along the shoreline. i had no idea what to do from here but it was worth trying anything that came across my mind.


i climbed to the highest point which was a few yards up and i looked around, hoping the police were no where in sight.

the coast was clear.

my legs were trembling uncontrollably which didn't help at all in this situation because if i were to slip it would be a long way down. but what's the worst that can happen if they do find my dead body anyway?

i noticed a small opening in the rocks that would barely fit my whole body but it was a good place to conceal myself my from the police. i carefully placed my foot on a rock below me and i lowered the rest of my body into the hole.

i tried to lay still but the shivering out of fear and anxiety was beyond my control. my mind was rushing with thoughts. it was way too much to handle and the thoughts of alyssa only made it worse. i wish in moments like this i was unable to feel things but i just went along with it.

it felt like it all happened yesterday.

i've seen you skating, you're pretty shit.
fuck off.

things could've been different.

• • •

authors note: it seems like you guys don't mind the super short chapters so i'll just keep it this way for a while. i've been busy all week because of midterms so i apologize for the lack of updating! i hope you're enjoying so far and don't forget to leave a vote/comment. it is greatly appreciated! have a nice day!!

the beginning of us  // teotfw season 2 ; jalyssaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora