Chapter one- Strength

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The wood splintered underneath Hinata's rage-filled hands, crystalline tears welled up in her eyes as she destroyed the innocent log.


In this world, strength is everything. If you're weak, simple, you die.

Hinata fell to the ground and stared at her bleeding hands, but no emotion crossed her face. Confusion flashed through her mind, her clan always tried to destroy her emotions, but why were they gone now?

Hinata wrapped her hands in bandages and walked into her shed of a home, she strolled into the bathroom and peeled off her sweaty training clothes and looked in the mirror above the sink.

She gingerly lifted her bangs and she sighed as the bright green Hyuuga seal flared back at her.


After taking a long, hot shower, Hinata left her small home and took to the trees, she stopped at the Hokage tower and walked in, she asked permission from the secretary and was granted to see the old Sarutobi with a smile.

She quietly walked through the door and shut it behind her, Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled at the twelve year old, his face wrinkling, "Ah, Hinata-chan, what do I owe the pleasure?"

Hinata looked down, her face still a blank slate, "I... I wish to continue being trained... And I request that a Jounin will be my personal Sensei."

Hiruzen's smile fell, as did Hinata's stomach, "I would love to Hinata, but the Hyuuga have backed me into a corner, and I'm afraid no Jounin will take you under their wing... Trust me, I tried, but no one accepted. I'm sorry, Hinata."

Hinata forced her tears down and bowed deeply, "There's noting to apologize for, Hokage-sama. I must be going now." She left before Hiruzen could say anything else, as Hinata walked down the stairs and was about to sprint home, she bumped into someone. Hinata looked up at the man through her tear filled eyes, "I-I'm sorry..."

A frail, old man, and walked with a cane. He had black, shaggy hair, his right eye was bandaged, and he had an x-shaped scar on his chin. He wore a white shirt, with a black or dark grey robe over the top of it covering from his feet, to just over his right shoulder. The robe concealed his right arm which was bandaged, and covered with three large golden braces.

The man smiled at her, "Ah, no problem, you're just the person I needed to see." Hinata didn't let it show on her face, but she was shocked.

"Pardon me, I think you have the wrong person, Oji-san." The man chuckled and coughed lightly, he then placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair, "No, I assure you that I'm looking for you, Hinata-chan."

Hinata's eyes widened a centimeter as the man continued, "My name is Danzō and I am in charge of a very secret operation called 'ROOT' and I want to recruit you."

Hinata gulped inaudibly, and looked around, "But Hokage-sama said-"

"Don't worry about what that crazy old man says. You do want to become a ninja once more... Don't you?"

Hinata took in a breath and stared into Danzō's eye with a new found determination, "Alright then. I'll join."


Danzō stood in front of a kneeling Hinata, she wore the standard ROOT uniform, a dark gray crop top underneath a cropped black jacket with one long sleeve and one short sleeve and red straps over each shoulder. She also wore three quarter black shinobi trousers and standard black sandals, but what differed her from the rest, was her blank, white mask.

There were no eye holes in the mask, but Hinata could still see through it perfectly, the mask was blank and made no indications of facial features.

Hinata has her head down, one fist on the ground and one knee planted on the ground while Danzō spoke, "Now that you're apart of my organization, you will kill the root of your emotions."

"Hai Danzō-sama."

Danzō nodded, "And you will now be called 'Zero' during missions. Only I will know you're real name and no one else, is that clear?"

"Hai, Danzō-sama."

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