Chapter 30 - I Know

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Gisborne opened his eyes with a little gasp and he smiled as he saw Miriam's face next to his.
"Did I fall asleep?"
The girl stared at him, serious.
"I should feel offended: I invite you to dinner and you fall asleep on the couch. Am I so boring?"
Guy sat up quickly.
"No, no! I assure you! You're not boring at all! It's that today was such a busy day..."
The girl laughed and she sat down on Guy's legs, throwing her arms around his neck to kiss him, then she leaned her forehead against Guy's and smiled at him.
"I was joking, silly. I know how strenuous and stressful the first months of the program are. And then you're so cute while you sleep..."
Guy kissed her again.
The girl snuggled in his arms.
"You're always cute, actually," she confessed with a giggle. "It's strange, you know?"
"We met for the first time not long ago, yet I seem I've known you for a lifetime. I feel good when I'm by your side."
Gisborne held her tight and kissed her hair.
"For me it's the same. I feel at home."

Alicia checked the recipe and measured the flour slowly, so that Guy could see how she had done.
She poured it into the bowl and passed the graduated container to Gisborne so he could do the same.
Alicia looked at him as he worked, and she smiled to see how much effort he put into every single gesture. She thought that if he took the teachings of the association's program with the same seriousness, it wasn't surprising that in the evening, when he phoned her, he always told her that he was very tired.
"Is this right?" Guy asked.
"You've probably been more precise than me. But why do you care so much about learning how to make cookies?"
Gisborne looked at the illuminated Christmas tree and smiled.
"It will be Christmas soon and I want to give Miriam a present." Guy sighed. "When I wooed Marian I tried to conquer her with precious gifts, to show her that I was able to provide for her. Once I gave her a horse..."
"A horse?"
Guy smiled.
"One of the few gifts that she appreciated, perhaps the only one."
"In fact, giving a horse to Miriam would be a bit complicated."
"With Miriam it's different. I want to give her something that I made, something that can make her understand what I feel when I'm with her. That's why I asked you to teach me how to make cookies."
Alicia added the other ingredients and she began to knead.
"Haven't you discovered yet whether she's Marian or not?"
"No. And maybe I don't want to know."
"Because if she's Marian you will have to tell Robin?"
Guy kept his eyes on the biscuit dough, without looking at her.
"I should still tell Robin, anyway. But I can't do it. And it's not just for that reason."
"Why, then?"
Guy had his hair gathered in a tail, but a lock had escaped the rubber band and he pushed it back with his hand, nervously, leaving a strip of flour on his cheek.
"Because I love her. More than I've ever loved Marian. And I would have died for Marian."
Alicia stared at him, struck by those words.
"Try not to die for Miriam, sweetheart."
"No. I want to live for her. What I feel for Miriam is so different... It's not the crazy passion that clouded my mind and that ultimately dragged me to hell. When I am with her, everything seems more beautiful, even the most insignificant thing seems marvelous and satisfying. Last night I fell asleep on her couch and she just sat at my side to read a book. Sometimes she stroked my hair while I was half asleep and I brushed her fingers with a kiss. I think it was one of the most perfect evenings I can remember."
"Did you tell her what you feel for her?"
"Not yet."
"Why not?"
"What if she doesn't feel the same? Why should she want to spend the rest of her life with me? I tried to impose my feelings on Marian and she ran away, I can't make the same mistake with Miriam."
"From what you told me, I don't think she wants to run away. But you're right if you don't want to rush things: if you're happy, enjoy these moments."
"I'm always afraid I don't deserve it. I know I don't deserve it. My actions have taken away from Robin the possibility of having all this with Marian... When I think about it, I feel like a thief and I tell myself that I should talk to him about Miriam, but then I see her and everything is so perfect that I don't have anymore the courage to talk."
"You can't keep it hidden forever."
"I know. I'll tell him after Christmas. If I'm destined to lose her, I want at least this, the memory of a happy Christmas."
"It's not certain that you will lose her."
Guy gave her a sad smile.
"I don't want to delude myself, Alicia. I don't think I'm destined for happiness. When I saw Miriam for the first time I always knew that in the end she will break my heart, but I couldn't avoid falling in love with her. This time I am aware that it can't last forever, but this is already much more than I could have hoped for. When she'll go back to Robin, at least I'll have these memories."
"Oh, honey..." Alicia hugged him and Guy accepted her comfort, grateful for the doctor's affection.
"I have dirtied your dress with flour." He said after a while, apologetically, and Alicia laughed.
"Do you think I care? When I cook I never wear anything that can't withstand a little flour or oil splashes. And then I also covered you in flour, we're even."
"Thanks Alicia. For everything."
The woman stroked his cheek.
"Remember that I will always be there. You can count on my support at any time." Alicia gave him a smile of encouragement and nodded to the ingredients. "Come on, let's get to work now, these cookies will not be made on their own."

Robin leaned out of the window and looked out.
The first time he had done so, he had watched in horror the horseless wagons that Guy called cars and he had realized that Gisborne hadn't lied to him.
He watched the cars for a while, wondering why the friend was so enthusiastic about all those mechanical inventions.
Certainly being able to escape at that speed from the sheriff's guards would be useful, and even the devices that allowed to speak at a distance could be useful to better coordinate the ambushes in the forest, but in the end Robin had always done perfectly without those artificial objects.
What he missed was the company of his friends.
Over the years, he had faced difficult and painful trials, but Much had always been by his side with his loyal friendship. And even his companions had always supported and helped him: they were Robin Hood, an indissoluble part of him, and he of them.
"I have to go back, at any cost," he whispered, looking out the window and starting to think of a plan.
Guy had told him that, when he found himself in the future, they had found him in the underground galleries of the castle, while he and Alicia had gone back in time walking in a public park. Robin had asked him to point out the exact spots on a map of the city and Guy had done so, marking both places with a strange pen that worked without an inkwell and that Guy had left to him without even bothering.
Robin took the object and looked at it. That was a brilliant and innovative invention, yet Gisborne didn't seem to give it too much importance, as if it were perfectly normal for him.
He put the pen and the map back in his pocket, took a warm jacket and put it on, then he opened the window and climbed over the sill, descending to the ground. He landed with a jump and hurried away before anyone could notice his escape.
Robin ran as fast as possible to get away from the hospital, paying no attention to the direction. For the moment the important thing was to prevent them from stopping him, then he would look for the roads on the map.
His plan consisted of reaching the points where Guy had managed to jump in time and hope for something to happen.
It wasn't one of his best plans and he knew it, but it was always better than being locked in that room without doing anything.
If Gisborne had let himself to be charmed by the comforts of that modern world, he had no intention of giving up without at least trying everything to get back to his friends.

Miriam sat down on the bench and took a biscuit from the bag. She looked at it for a few seconds, then she ate it while Guy looked at her, anxious to hear her opinion.
The girl smiled.
"It's good. Did you really make them?"
Guy nodded, blushing a little.
"Alicia taught me how to make them, but I prepared them myself. I wanted to do something for you. They are not perfect as I would have liked, but I hope they are good."
Miriam's eyes filled with tears and she hugged him suddenly.
"This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me!"
Guy hugged her, smiling.
"I just kneaded a little flour..."
Miriam found herself laughing and crying at the same time and dotted his face with little kisses.
"But you did it for me!"
"For you, I would do anything."
The girl looked at him. Guy's words weren't just a romantic phrase, Miriam realized that he was serious and she was even more moved.
"It means that when we get married, you will cook."
Guy stared at her, bewildered.
"Do you want to marry me?!"
Miriam looked at him, giggling and planted a kiss on his lips.
"You keep preparing these cookies and I'll think seriously about it."
Guy sighed in fake resignation.
"You are making a fool of me."
The girl held him tight.
"Of course I am... or maybe not," she added in a softer tone, looking into his eyes.
Guy kissed her and Miriam gave herself up to that tender and moving kiss, taking refuge in the warmth of his embrace.
"I love you," Guy said, without taking his eyes off her. "Miriam, I love you so much..."
The girl smiled, half moved and half amused.
"I know. You never told me that, but I had understood it quite a while ago."
Guy gave her a worried look.
"What... what do you think?"
"Of the fact that I love you too? I think you too should have known that for a while," she said softly, searching for his lips again.

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