Chapter 26 - A Pizza is Always a Good Idea

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Guy ran a hand over the head of the black stallion to scratch him between his ears and the animal snorted, nudging him with his nose, looking for some treat.
"He likes you," said the voice of Miriam behind him, and Guy turned abruptly, taken by surprise.
"Do you ride too?"
The girl glanced at the horse she was leading by the bridle and smiled.
Guy blushed.
"It was a silly question, sorry. I didn't know you did it."
Miriam chuckled, then she moved a few steps aside to leave Guy the space to let the stallion out of the stall, and they headed together to the competition ring.
"I started riding for therapy, like you, but then I became passionate about horse riding and I continued."
"You have many talents: skating on the ice, riding... Do you have any other passions?"
"Is this today's question?"
Gisborne lifted the corner of his mouth in an amused smile.
"Why not?"
Miriam thought for a moment.
"Actually, I have many passions. In addition to horseback riding and skating, I occasionally practice archery, then I like reading, I love music and I feel good when I can help those who need it, and that's why I love my job so much. Then it depends on the moment, I like to try new experiences, I experiment with different hobbies, even if I often don't accomplish much."
The girl smiled.
"Maybe it's a little obvious considering the city we live in, but it's fun. And what about you? What do you like to do?"
"I still have to understand it. So far I haven't had many opportunities to think about fun."
The girl gave him an encouraging smile.
"In time you will find out."
"For now it's already difficult to find time to breathe."
"The program you are following is very tiring?"
Guy rolled his eyes, making her laugh.
"More than anything else I have to remember everything that they teach me, and for me some things are quite complicated. Sometimes I feel really stupid."
Miriam sighed.
"I confess that I still can't understand some things, do you know? Or I think that I have learned them and then I make a disaster after another."
"Really? You always seem so sure of yourself..."
"Because you haven't seen me in a kitchen yet. I don't think I'll ever understand how to operate the microwave oven or how to cook an egg without burning it. Ah, never put an egg in the microwave."
"Don't do it, trust me. Personal experience."
Guy avoided telling her that for him to learn how to use kitchen appliances had been perhaps the simplest thing.
"I haven't gotten used to this accurate way of measuring time, yet. This," he pointed at the watch on his wrist "still makes little sense to me. I understand what they explained to me and now I can read the time, but I forget to do it. To understand what time of day it was, I used to look at the position of the sun, but when I'm inside a building with artificial light, I get confused."
"It means that I won't be offended if you arrive late to a date," Miriam said, smiling.
Guy looked at her, wondering if she'd wanted to suggest him to ask her to go out together, but before he could answer, Miriam spurred on the horse and led him around the course, making him jump over the obstacles.
Gisborne stood there, looking at her, and he found himself smiling without even realizing it. He had always loved watching Marian as she rode, inexorably drawn to the vitality and freedom she showed when she was in the saddle. And it didn't matter if those same characteristics had sealed her fate in the end: while she was galloping, she was beautiful and he couldn't take his eyes off her.
Miriam completed the course and in a moment she was again near him, smiling and a little breathless.
"Now it's your turn, let's see if you can do better than me."
Guy hid a smile.
"Is it a challenge?"
Miriam looked at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
"What do you think?"
"And what's up for grabs for the winner?"
"Glory? No, let's do it this way: whoever wins will be entitled to one more question, so today I can ask you two."
"You've already asked one. And then don't be so sure of your victory, I could beat you easily."
"The one about hobbies didn't count because you didn't give me a real answer. As for the challenge... let me see what you can do."
Guy straightened up on the saddle and smiled, proud.
Finally he had the opportunity to show her something that he was capable of doing, and that came as natural as breathing to him. He was good at riding and he knew it, and now he was proud to show her his skill.
He spurred on the stallion and he made him walk around the the ring to warm him up before he started jumping over the obstacles, smiling to himself as he felt Miriam's gaze following him carefully.
Once he would have liked to be admired by Marian in the same way, but the girl had never really looked at him, she had never shown interest in him except for the information and protection he could offer her.
If she were Marian and her memory should come back, she'll stop seeing me, I'll be nobody again in her eyes.

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