Chapter 24 - My Special Place

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The room was immersed in silence and the only low sounds came from the machines that surrounded Robin's bed.

Guy was sitting in a corner and staring at his friend. The doctors had told him that maybe Robin was able to understand what was being said and that talking to him could help him wake up, but at that moment Gisborne could not find anything to say.

Once, devices like those had kept him alive, but Guy had only confused memories of that early period and seeing Robin so helpless disturbed him deeply.

In the past, when he worked for the sheriff, being in front of a Robin Hood so weak and one step away from death would have filled him with joy, but now he felt only anguish and pain.

Alicia was not mistaken, the icy emptiness that had filled his soul had dissolved by itself after a few days, leaving him in the grip of many conflicting emotions.

At that moment, however, concern over the fate of Robin prevailed.

A nurse appeared at the door, pushing a cart.

"Guy? Please can you leave the room for a few minutes? Why don't you take the opportunity to get some fresh air? In the last days you're always here. I understand the concern for your friend, but tormenting yourself will hurt you and won't help him."

Gisborne took one last look at Robin before leaving the room.

He knew that the nurse was right, but he couldn't help but feel responsible for the outlaw: he had crossed the time to help him, and he had the impression that it was his duty to do everything he could to help him to recover.

The problem was that he really couldn't do anything, so he just stood at his side to watch over him.

He leaned back against the wall of the corridor and looked at the closed door. Maybe he should really follow the nurse's advice and try to distract himself for a while, but he couldn't stifle the anxiety he felt.


Gisborne turned around, recognizing Miriam's voice and he found himself smiling at her, excited to see her again.

The girl reached him and stood on tiptoe to greet him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Dr. Little was right when she told me I'd find you here. How is your friend?"

Guy glanced at the door of Robin's room and looked back at Miriam, a pang of fear in his heart. He was afraid, afraid that Robin wouldn't wake up anymore, and at the same time he feared that he would open his eyes only to make the girl fall in love with him and take her away again.

No. She isn't mine. She had never been mine.

"Guy?" Miriam called him, averting him from his thoughts. "Are his conditions so serious? Are you worried about him?"

"I don't know how he is. He is lying on that bed and he doesn't wake up."

"Oh, poor man, I hope he gets better," she said, sincerely sorry. "But how do you feel?"


"Yes you. It amazes you so much that I worry about your health?"

Guy smiled, embarrassed.

"I'm not used to it yet."

"We've known each other for such a short time that I would be offended to be considered a habit."

"I... I didn't mean this! Forgive me, I'm still not used to believe that people really care about me..."

Miriam laughed, happily.

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