Chapter 2

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*Knock knock knock*

"Come in my child" Master replies to the knocking on his door.

"Lucy? What a lovely surprise. To what do i have the pleasure of seeing you?" he asks concerned.

"Master... I've decided to take time off the the guild to train." I say, my eyes down cast.

"What brung this on Lucy?' his voice tinged with sadness.

"Everyone is always saving me, I'm a burden on everyone. I'm doing this for them and me, so i can respect myself more."

"If that is what you wish child."

"I'm not sure when ill be back, but, you know what Natsu's like, if he found out I'm leaving, he will either drag me back or insist on coming with me, but this is something i must do with out fairy tail" I say shaking, "so please master, take off my guild mark, so i can come back a stronger me" tears now dripping down my face " and I'll come back" I look up, wiping off my tears and see masters eyes welling up. I clench my fist "As someone who can bear the fairy tail emblem in pride!"

"I'm proud of you Lucy, though i don't think you need to train, I'm proud of your ambition." Master says and waves his hand over mine, " You'll be welcomed back with open arms when you return." his lips quiver, and he removes his hand and my marks gone. 

"thank you master. Please, just don't tell anyone for as long as possible. I need a head start."

"Of course my child." as he embraces me.

I walk out of masters office, and look around hiding my hand in my pocket. Natsu and Gray are having another brawl. Levy must be on a job, as well as Wendy and Charle. I walk out of the guild, avoiding the ruckus and head home. I inform the land lord lady that I'm leaving and she seems sad too see me go. I have a bath and pack my essentials, and ask Virgo to take the rest of my stuff to the celestial spirit world for storage. I head to the train station and hop on the train that leaves the soonest, I need as much of a head start i can get. Funny, this one goes to Hargeon where i met Natsu and Happy. Where this all started. 

----Time Skip a couple of hours----

Natsus POV:

"I'm heading home now, see ya guys. Happy lets go"

"Aye Sir"

"hehehe lets pull a prank on luce Happy"


*devious planning on the way to Lucys*

"thats odd" I said scratching my chin after crawling through the window.

"What Natsu?" 

"we would usually be kicked in the face by now."

"yeahhh youre right... shes probably bathing... Natsu why do you have devil horns a devious smile and rubbing your hands together? Natsu? Natsu? NATSUUU?"

"HEhehehe" and with a flash I disappeared.

"jee wizz Natsu" is all happy can say

i kick open the bathroom door ready to be kicked in the face and called a perv but... shes not in here.

Me and Happy search the whole apartment but there was no Luce.

With a down cast look, Happy and I go home for the night.

---Next Day---

Me and Happy head on over to the guild, and still no Lucy. She would usually be here before us. I ask around if anyone's seen her, ask Mira if shes on a job, but I get mostly the same replies. "no".

I'm starting to get worried, like i know she has a life  but no ones heard from her since we got back from the job yesterday, and i didn't see her leave the guild... "HAPPY" 

"aye sir"

"Luce has been kidnapped!!"

"Noooo Lusheeee" Happy blubbers.

I run up to Gramps office, even though some throw questioning yells and looks. I burst through the door.

"Natsu? What is it child?" Master questions.

"Its Lucy!"

"so you know already..."

"YEs shes been KIDnApeD!!'

"what? no Natsu... Take a seat."

"huh? Gramps you arnt taking this seriously enough" I yell in frustration.

"Natsu! Take seat"

"aye sir"

 *that withering glare can scare even Natsu into submission.. most of the time*

"You see my child, and don't leave until I've finished... Lucy has left the guild."

"WHAT!" I shoot out of my seat about to search for Lucy but Gramps grip is holding me back. "LET GO!" I scream at him.

"NATSU" I look at him and see... tears welling up, and realize that hes upset about it too. I take a seat and hear him out.

"She wants to train to get stronger, by herself? Gramps this is crazy why did you let her leave?!!"

"Cause its her choice. Natsu, I know I cant stop you searching for her, but know, she doesn't want to be found."

"I don't care, I'm going to look for her, she doesn't need to go by herself."

and with that, I was out of his office.

"Oi Flame brain what was that all about." Gray yells at me, looking to pick a fight. Lucys left the guild. Lucy has left the guild. Lucy has left th... I grab my head with my hands. This is too much.

"Flame brain, are you alright?" "Natsu" "you right there Natsu?" "Natsu?" so many voices, I can't handle it all.

"Lucy has left..." i barely even say it, but it makes it more real, now I hear it out loud.

"Lucy has" I take a deep breath. "Lucy has left the guild, and I'm searching for her right now. stay or come, I don't care." and with that, I leave the guild in upheaval."


Hey Mina.

hope everyones doing alright.

Hope you enjoy this small and kinda boring chapter, hopefully more juicy moments will come.

Vote and comment if you liked it. All support helps.

Cheers and bye.

A Fairy Tail becomes an Exorcist (Fairytail X BlueExorcist cross over)Where stories live. Discover now