Twenty Eight

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"Most of these folders are just company business, Adrianna. Nothing of huge importance. At least, not pertaining to what either of us is looking for." Killian sighs, shutting the fourth folder from the pile. 

I ignore him and continue scanning the papers, my heart thumping. This is finally it. All the work to reach this moment, and I was so close. But what if I can't find anything. Maybe Hank's wrong....

I shake it off. There is never any smoke without a fire. 

"There has to be something," I murmur. Then my gaze lands on a paper. 

A receipt of some sort. Of a sizable donation make to something called the UPLA. Olympic to UPLA , but the region in question is what I need. Just to confirm. My heart sinks as I finish reading the document. 

"You might find what you're looking for in here," I whisper to Killian. Killian takes the folder and I quickly snap a picture of the receipt, then add it to the pile of paper Killian seems to be shuffling through. I take out the earpiece with a heavy heart and push it into my ear. With the flick of a switch it turns on. "Parker, can you hear me?" I ask, hearing the sadness in my voice. I'd really thought I was right about this. I suppose everyone is the same. My eyes land on Killian reading over a paper and quickly look away. 

"Loud and clear. Have anything for me?" Parker's voice is clipped and professional. I do my best not to wince. I suppose it's only for the best. One night together is the closest we can every get to being together. 

"I have it. What Hank requested. Ask for immediate evacuation. I'll only hand this info off to him. Set a meeting." I tell him, my voice hollow. Parker doesn't say anything, but I hear typing in the background. I look again at the image on my phone, my eyes landing on a name.

Faisal Al-Kasran. 

I lock my phone and put it back into my pocket. Whoever this Faisal person is, he'll be behind bars soon enough. The typing ceases and my phone rings. I pull it back out and blink at the caller I.D. That was fast. 

"Hank." I say simply. 

"You have it?" He asks, the excitement evident in his voice. 

"Yeah. I can meet you tonight to do the hand off. I expect the rest of the money will be wired to my bank as soon as the hand off is done?" I ask. 

"Actually, I'll bring it with me to the drop. Cash is always easier in this business. I will meet you at five thirty on the dirt road behind Restaurante Punta Mar. Don't be late." He says briskly. Then hangs up. I put the phone away. Restaurante Punta Mar. Shouldn't be too far away, from what I recollect of the small town. 

I turn to find Killian with his eyes narrowed at a paper. He sees me watching him and quickly folds it, putting it away. He clears his throat. 

"I suggest we put everything back and get out of here. No way of knowing when someone could walk in," He says, nodding. I shrug. 

Within ten minutes the safe is closed and the portrait is back in it's place. Parker has yet to say anything else to me. I try not to let it get to me, but a piece of my heart breaks off. I toss him down into the dark hole where every other memory of mine is. 


That as guests are arriving for the party, I put on a a black jumpsuit and slip into some pumps. After adjusting my large hoop earring and tying my hair up in a high pony-tail, I slip out of my room and make for the front of the house. 

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