It feels weird. It feels even weirder as I stare at the clump of hair in my hand. The straight, golden blonde strands wave in the air when I move to my room to hide it away for use later. When I come back to the dining room in the kitchen, I see Ryland and the man he was with come in and take a seat. Ryland looks worn out, but keeps up his strong attitude. When I near him, he takes a double take from the food being put on the table, to me.

"Y-You cut it?" He asks with a break in his words. He didn't expect me to do something like this when leaving me behind to work. It should make him think twice before leaving me.

I nod and shrug my shoulders, "Yeah, needed a change. Plus, it's something that could never be bought or found elsewhere. This this could count?" I ask him. He slowly nods, staring at me hair with his lips slightly parted. The woman of the house comes to his side and shuts his mouth with the top of her hand. "You should stop staring and eat. Maura, Dear, I will cut the rest of your hair to make it look neater after lunch."

We all sit down around the table and eat. I catch Ryland glance at me in between talking, and I've looked at him a few times back to make him know he was caught. It's so cute that his cheeks tinge red when our eyes meet. His personality towards me has improved greatly. He hated me before, but now he's blushing by a single look.

When lunch is over, Ryland was dragged out again to work, unable to talk to me before he left. The woman grabs the scissors from before and starts to cut my hair a little shorter to even it out. Once done, I look into their small mirror and see my new straight, short hair. I look a lot different with this change and it's for the best. It a literal weight off my head.

The rest of the day was spent talking and cleaning with the woman. She's taught me a lot about being kind no matter wealth. When I get back home, I will share the wealth with people less fortunate than me. Any type of act, big or small, can help anyone. Dinner came soon after and then we were sent to bed before we leave in the morning. I told the wife that we would be leaving in the morning since Ryland doesn't know of my plan just yet.

I'm sitting on the bed, waiting for Ryland to get out of the bathroom. When he does, he walks up to me and sits on the bed in front of me. "Why did you do it?"

I get comfortable on the bed, "We can give it to the couple as the sacrifice he wants. This matches all of the requirements he gave us, plus he wouldn't be able to refuse since his wife likes my hair. She mentioned how she bought wigs to look like mine but they never looked the same. She would be the only one with my actual, real hair."

He nods and looks down, "But you had to give up something you loved."

I shake my head and scoot closer to him, "Actually," He looks up and meets my eyes, "it feels really good short. I've had this hair for most of my life and it's been through all the major events in my life. By cutting it, it signifies the past being taken off of me. Like I don't have to worry about it anymore, you know?"

Ryland slightly smiles at me and fixes his side of the bed to sleep in. I do the same to my side and lie down, facing him. He faces me and I still see the smile grace his face, "You should know that I'm into a certain type of short hair."

I wonder if he is trying to tell me to cut it into a certain way that he likes? Would I do that for him? "And what type would that be?"

"Yours." He says with a smirk and shuts his eyes. My heart flutters in my chest and I can't help but roll my eyes. He is so cute and annoying. I shut my eyes and sleep for as long as my body will let me until the sun comes up the next day.


"Thank you for working for us while you stayed here! You're welcome back anytime!" The woman says with a big smile at Ryland. "Take care of that girl for me, won't ya?" She winks at me and I smile back. Ryland shows her a small smile and waves us off. We head out the door and toward the other house. I don't know how many miles it is back since I was sleeping before, but I've walked longer before so I'm up for the challenge.

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